Example sentences of "speaking for " in BNC.

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1 Speaking for himself , Svidrigailov says he is after the women , which is n't untrue but we know what it 's worth .
2 ‘ What we have sought to do ’ , claims Francis speaking for the organisers of the exhibition , ‘ is not to reconstruct time past but to expose to the light things that have run the risk of acquiring the patina of nostalgia and the glamour of neglect . ’
3 He discovered that night , in what has been called his ‘ Luftwaffe ’ speech , that his was not a voice in the wilderness ; instead , he was speaking for the man on the Clapham omnibus .
4 Dr Martin Johnson , a scientist speaking for the MRC , said the council spent £5 million last year on embryo and related research to help the 275,000 couples in Britain who have fertility problems at some time .
5 Declaring that she believed she was speaking for everyone , she expressed gratitude for the splendour of the hospitality provided by La Belle France , thanked the president personally , and added a few more words of the sort which well-brought-up people employ on such occasions .
6 He was apparently speaking for George Bush , who had been upset both by the tales of torture in an Amnesty report and by the inadequacy of the Kuwaiti government changes .
7 Although invited by the Liberal Party to be their candidate for the Clapham Division 20 years ago or more , [ he ] was unable to accept the invitation , and contented himself with speaking for the Liberal or Progressive candidate at every available opportunity in many elections .
8 He had been speaking for some five minutes or more with force and conviction , carried away by the things which concerned him greatly .
9 By June 1937 the National Council of Labour , effectively speaking for the Labour Party , decided to reverse its Edinburgh policy and to oppose non-intervention .
10 He was speaking for a Tory candidate at the election .
11 That young man , I am afraid , was speaking for the television-viewing nation .
12 We 'll need as much exposure as possible in the first couple of years , but it worries me that there 's no independent ‘ father figure ’ capable of speaking for the whole game and making sure it does n't ‘ do a snooker ’ . ‘
13 She felt she was speaking for millions of would-be mothers in rejecting a child because it was mentally handicapped ; regrettably , she was .
14 Shlomo Green stopped speaking for a moment .
15 At that moment the priest , speaking for the first time , intervened .
16 And I 'm not speaking for me and Jack , I 'm speaking for myself .
17 And I 'm not speaking for me and Jack , I 'm speaking for myself .
18 The critic , no longer speaking for a collectivity , if he/she ever did , can not summon writing forth .
19 The novel proves that knowledge is possible , but also that it is in a sense artificial : it does not come from the past , historical knowledge in particular can not simply be uncovered , laid bare and put out to view ( or rather , the novelist can no longer create the illusion that the past is speaking for itself ) ; it is a construction of the past , and the reader is conscious of , and in compliance with , the careful disposition and organization of the disparate elements that go to make up the whole edifice .
20 Speaking for the Opposition , Mr Clive Soley said :
21 In speaking for him , they may only act in his best interests .
22 But , on appeal the same day , Lord Justice Templeman , speaking for the court , held that ‘ the Judge erred because he was influenced by the views of the parents , instead of deciding what was in the best interests of the child ’ .
23 I really genuinely thought I was speaking for everyone , but they would now say they did n't particularly agree with me .
24 They had stared at each other without speaking for a moment , and then she said , ‘ She deserves a five-shilling Christmas Box . ’
25 Nothing is more irritating than to have someone speaking for you when you are quite able to speak for yourself .
26 Speaking for the British Veterinary Association , Neil King , its president , felt that the joint proposals represented a sensible middle ground .
27 Speaking for the Socialists , the largest single group in the assembly , British MEP David Bowe ( Cleveland and Yorkshire North ) said ‘ We should all be conscious of the scandals which have taken place in the past , whether it be the dumping of waste in the Third World or the scandalous sham recycling of some waste so that it is disposed of in extremely environmentally unfriendly ways ’ .
28 Indeed , I recall being present at a formal state banquet in Malawi when the Life President , His Excellency the very elderly Dr Hastings Banda , had been speaking for 45 minutes proposing the toast and had still only reached 1947 .
29 I 'd appreciate it if you 'd refrain from speaking for me .
30 A lawyer speaking for the families said they would be appealing against the Place of Safety orders , and that the appeal would be heard the following day in Kirkwall Sheriff Court .
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