Example sentences of "turning out " in BNC.

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1 Mason weighed in at 17st 103 4 lb for Biggs , heavier by 10lb than ever before , and attributes this to a groin injury sustained when turning out in a charity football match .
2 What they ignore is Charlton 's ability to dispense knowledge acquired when turning out in more than 600 matches for Leeds United and 35 in the England colours , his World Cup experience of great and possibly lasting importance to the Irish cause .
3 Last night a benefit concert was set to take place at the Bristol Bierkeller , featuring Extreme Noise Terror , perhaps Britain 's foremost thrash band , now legendary for turning out songs which clock in at under one second .
4 He has certainly demonstrated that he is a ‘ draw ’ : there must already be some 250 Conservative MPs in his debt for turning out an audience at least double that which they would otherwise have been able to collect .
5 Much of what we saw related discouragingly to familiar bad habits , a thought that occurred , not for the first time , to George Cohen , who for the benefit of younger readers made a notable contribution to the history of English football when turning out in the 1966 World Cup final .
6 Many people practice relaxation techniques , take a long soak in a bath of warm ( not hot or cold ) water , or have a quiet read in bed before turning out the light .
7 How efficient the place was — a model clearing house for death , turning out its yearly quota of corpses .
8 That would only have been necessary had the troops been requisitioning other people 's equipment , rather than turning out with their own ambulances .
9 Cook slightly before turning out onto a wire rack .
10 Shops were empty from panic-buying ahead of Czechoslovakia 's ‘ big bang ’ — which is turning out to be more like a big pop .
11 It has been turning out bombs and shells since 1939 , and the Gulf war has already begun to embellish a colourful history .
12 Ill , ageing and in despair at trying to reconcile artistic integrity with the official line , Prokofiev began turning out his feeble hymns to the state .
13 I did n't see it this morning when I was turning out your room . ’
14 The nuthouse was turning out to be quite cosmopolitan with a Cockney and a German as well as the locals .
15 You know , it 's turning out to be a brilliant story to do .
16 All in all it was not turning out as badly as he had feared .
17 He had been an idealist with many good ideas at first , only later making errors , turning out to be basically evil , and becoming insane and a mass murderer .
18 The President might not want them , but sense , and democracy , required it ; so while part of the NSC was on fire with the President 's wishes , another part was turning out position papers of a hopeless and reasonable kind .
19 ‘ We come in every day and instead of gaskets or lemonade , we are turning out hits .
20 Summerhill — which , by the universal testimony of its ( largely American ) pupils , ‘ sucks ’ — seemed to be turning out children who were not merely unbalanced but pig-ignorant ; and that was what shocked me so much .
21 ‘ It 's 11.30 pm or midnight by now and they 're all turning out of Harry 's Bar , so we go down there .
22 Many ex-international union players are still turning out every Saturday for junior teams .
23 I believe that by around the year 2020 most foreign countries will be turning out better English-speaking teachers than in Britain .
24 When we 're unhappy and nothing seems to be turning out right , it 's tempting to despair — to feel as though God is abandoning us .
25 Whichever way you go , you 'll come across bar after bar all turning out the latest in pop videos and the odd cocktail or two !
26 It was turning out to be a day unlike any other he had spent at Gibbet Hall .
27 I wrote for him the following poem ; it seems to me now rather jejune , but it was the spontaneous overflow from a heart both proud and anxious , and not greatly concerned with turning out a literary exemplar : Parachutists ( for L.G.C. )
28 They formerly occupied part of St Mary 's Mill in Chalford , but are now at Churchs Mill , turning out countless walking sticks every year , many for the NHS .
29 There are occasions when the Nelson touch is needed and a blind eye turned when events are not turning out quite as well as planned .
30 Robyn 's mental image of a modern factory had derived mainly from TV commercials and documentaries : deftly edited footage of brightly coloured machines and smoothly moving assembly lines , manned by brisk operators in clean overalls , turning out motor cars or transistor radios to the accompaniment of Mozart on the sound track .
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