Example sentences of "turning [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 As you gain experience and begin to think about a first cross-country , local soaring provides a golden opportunity to check the compass for large errors and to get some practice at turning on to definite headings .
2 This was an era when phrases such as ‘ turning on ’ , ‘ dropping out ’ , and ‘ scoring shit ’ moved into the language ; and when our newly discovered deviants caused an incredible moral panic as wreathed in clouds of incense or cannabis smoke and symbolically clutching well thumbed copies of iconic tomes such as the I Ching , they joined the ‘ hippie trail to Katmandu ’ .
3 Tuning in and turning on
4 An almost universal feature of determination is that it involves subtle chemical changes , almost certainly turning on or off genes , and the overt result may not be seen for many hours .
5 The control of transcription — turning on and off of genes — and so controlling the synthesis of specific proteins , involves signal molecules that enter the cell nucleus from the cytoplasm .
6 THE POOH STICKS : The World Is Turning On
7 Which is a shame , because ‘ The World Is Turning On ’ is as dandy a catchy guitar pop record as anything the Teenage Fannies have concocted .
8 We 'd been turning on and off roads all along , dodging checkpoints I guessed .
9 ‘ Preserve us , ’ said Lydia aloud , turning on to her side .
10 Like it or lump it , the world is slowly turning on to Graphical User Interfaces , whether they be Windows , the Apple Mac 's operating system , or the Next — not forgetting OS/2 v 2.0 , of course .
11 PC Software houses are turning on to Windows more quickly than the users — there are n't many who do n't have a Windows product in their portfolios these days — and Sage has joined the band of the enlightened few who package both DOS and Windows versions together with its second foray into the GUI market — Sterling + 2 .
12 That 's for turning on and off radiators .
13 We was we was outside our house and I seen it turning along there somewhere .
14 It was only a vote in the Commons at 11 p.m. that brought the evening to an end and then she returned to Downing Street for a few hours ' work on her boxes before turning in .
15 Before turning in for the night I telephoned Fred Workman to say I would be back at my desk by mid-morning and would be covering the visit of Mr Gladstone Murray to our city , his meetings and his broadcast speech , for the next day 's evening edition .
16 I 'm for a walk before turning in .
17 Visibility was very poor and having been warned that barrage balloons were hoisted over the Liverpool area which had very recently suffered heavily in bombing raids , we went well out to sea before turning in to Speke , only to get entangled in a coastal convoy flying balloons .
18 The evening turned into something of a karaoke classic with MARTIN GORE at the piano and DAVE GAHAN turning in simply delightful renditions of such classics as ‘ Drive In Saturday ’ , ‘ I Will Survive ’ and a host of Elvis covers .
19 Foucault notes that , at the same time as the Annales school and others were constructing a history according to the long durée , in the history of science , philosophy , and literature , attention was turning in exactly the opposite direction , that is away from vast unities towards phenomena of rupture , discontinuity , displacement and transformation , towards different temporalities as well as architectonic unities .
20 The street , though dark , had the feeling of the end of the day , with cars turning in to park , others leaving for the evening entertainments , a restlessness of lights .
21 In my dreams , I am still out there now , jinking into the chicane in second , piling on the power through third and into the pit straight , drifting left for the marker cone , turning in , clipping the apex and howling away to the second corner .
22 I 'm turning in to face myself , and face myself , and face myself .
23 As Jeremy Seabrook so vividly illustrates in his many books , working-class areas have instead become the victims of a process of mindless violence , the community turning in on itself in the search for thrills , kicks , money .
24 It was as if his hand had begun to die on him , turning in on itself like a leaf , drying out and getting thin .
25 After the age of around three months , an inability to look at an object without an eye turning in or , rarer , an eye rolling slightly outwards or upwards .
26 Unless she 's been fiddling the books — and my accountant does n't think so — the profits your Miss Philimore has been turning in seem on the low side for a site like that .
27 ‘ You 're not turning in yet ? ’
28 When Luke moved her back towards one of the couches , she complied mindlessly , letting him pull her down with him and turning in towards him as he drew her across him , supporting her with one arm while his free hand curved round her , instinct or experience guiding him to the concealed zip of her simple dress .
29 Afraid she might doze off if she gave in to temptation and lay down on the bed , she sat down instead on the room 's only chair , and picked up a book , absorbing not a single word as she waited for the sounds that would mean he was turning in for the night .
30 Turning in for the night .
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