Example sentences of "cut [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 He had cut himself loose from the past and had good hopes of making a comfortable landfall .
2 Half an hour ago he had cut himself shaving ; now , it seemed , his very life was in jeopardy .
3 However many problems there may be , there is a natural human instinct to form relationships all through our lives , although occasionally one will find a recluse — someone who has deliberately cut himself off from human contact .
4 In his grief he had cut himself off from people and when he had recovered he had lost the habit of socializing .
5 Then came Brian , who had cut himself shaving , and was dabbing the blood on his chin .
6 Hurrying to make up time , Manville had cut himself shaving , and the cluttered bathroom medicine cabinet had stubbornly refused to yield up the secret whereabouts of the styptic pencil .
7 He had shaved , but it was a rough job : a piece of sticking plaster at the side of his face showed where he had cut himself .
8 Andrew had cut himself out of the discussion once more .
9 He tells his mother he has cut himself to explain the blood on his jeans .
10 His hair , which he had cut himself in one of the gales of thrift that blew up in him every few weeks , kept getting into his eyes and caused him to see a charming rainbow when he stood under a street lamp to look up at Sam 's room — something he had done too often .
11 Francisco worked in Admin , but occasionally he doubled as a barman , and he did n't have to explain that he had cut himself on a broken glass .
12 Light , of course , is the fastest thing in the universe , and so the collapsed star has cut itself off .
13 She has not cut herself off from her parents , however , as this is something which would only have led her to feel guilty and therefore decreased her confidence even further .
14 The cut may be made with little or no apparent awareness , the patient suddenly discovering that she has cut herself and at the same time experiencing a sense of relief .
15 From the age of 22 she had cut herself on many occasions .
16 ‘ You do n't understand how Constance has cut herself off from all her friends .
17 Emily always repeated this warning , although she was the only one who had ever cut herself on the bacon-slicer .
18 He was so surprised that he let her go , as if she had cut herself free of him .
19 Right , because she 's cut herself .
20 Although at least 80 per cent of patients referred to the general hospital in Oxford after self-injury have cut themselves superficially , it seems likely that many more episodes of deliberate self-cutting occur than are identified through general hospital records .
21 The ones who do object , and with reason , are those whose land has been trampled over without care , whose stock have got loose because gates have been left open or walls broken down , or whose sheep have cut themselves or choked to death on the bottles and plastic bags thrown away by the Wandering Wallies of this world that have as much common sense and appreciation of the countryside as a toad has feathers .
22 As far as she was aware , no one had cut themselves or pricked themselves with a needle .
23 After all , since our last meeting , if one can call it a meeting , at the entrance to the sweet little National Gallery of Modern Art in Edinburgh , all those years ago , you have cut yourself off from your friends and well-wishers .
24 And Goldberg , pushing the typewriter from him , dragging the pad towards him , Dear Harsnet , I am well aware of the fact that you have cut yourself off from all your old friends , and that you wish to have nothing more to do with them .
25 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , I am well aware of the fact that for some years now you have cut yourself off from your past and not deigned to reply to the letters of your friends , or even to return their calls , taking refuge in your answering machine and pretending not to be in when they rang at the bell .
26 If you rub it in your fingers , you 'll find that your fingers are actually stained red by the haematite dust , and it looks just as if you 've cut yourself .
27 You have cut yourself off from contact with him ? ’
28 You could have cut yourself to ribbons . ’
29 For me , privacy was a rare commodity , and I had cut myself off from the subculture which had once sustained me — only to find that there was nowhere else to go .
30 I 've cut myself , know how I was twenty ?
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