Example sentences of "met [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When they first met for real the fierce , cold , autocratic , heroically self-made man 's beady eye and cockily addressed him as ‘ Washy ’ to his face , well , petrification set in , sometimes terminal .
2 On Wednesday 13 February , we met for the second time with pensions as the agenda item .
3 When he and Adenauer met for the first time , de Gaulle records , ‘ We discussed Europe at length .
4 Sometimes they met for lunch or a theatre in London , on neutral ground , and both looked forward to these meetings as if they were occasions of almost illicit pleasure .
5 In one game , against Nottingham Forest , Stephenson was joined by another player who was to take a leading role in Chapman 's future — Grenadier Guardsman Charlie Buchan of Sunderland , whom Chapman met for the first time .
6 During those years we met for ‘ reunions ’ in New York and London and it was always wonderful to see her .
7 Why can I read you like a book , when we only met for the first time four days ago ?
8 It met for the first time on 25 February 1986 and includes representatives from the Departments of Transport , Environment , Employment , and Trade and Industry ; Kent County Council ; the district councils of ; elected members of Kent local authorities and Parliamentary constituencies ; Eurotunnel ; Transmanche Link ; and British Rail .
9 Only the Good Christ knows why we met for that .
10 ‘ Old Mr Misfortune ’ found consolation for his latest failure by marrying his 17-year-old bride , on the very day they met for the first time , 2 September 1719 .
11 Such is the force of tradition that when the newly instituted Parliament of Northern Ireland met for the first time in 1921 , its first act was to claim these ‘ undoubted and ancient privileges ’ .
12 They met for the first time at the weekend as their two-week-old girls were swopped and handed back to the right mothers .
13 ‘ Stan called me and we met for a chat at his home .
14 With an interpreter we met for a drink and he told me that because his home was in East Germany he had been forbidden to travel abroad until quite recently when he became an old-age Pensioner ; this voyage was his first taste of freedom .
15 I made no comment on this at the time ( though privately I thought it a brash boast ) but when we met for the interview I asked if he had brought the pendulum with him .
16 I joined Dateline then and went out with one person I met for two years , but then I moved away with my work .
17 ‘ Wild ’ Charlie Mander , the British consul , and Sheriff Felipe Almodovar , the self-styled ‘ Law South of Tierra del Fuego , ’ met for talks in an attempt to reach a settlement , but tempers rose and shots were exchanged .
18 SEEDY : Rumpled bed and empty bottles in the borrowed Fulham flat where Mellor and Antonia met for their steamy love sessions
19 They all met for the first time on the show .
20 Twenty-seven veterans of the summer campaign to Argentina ( minus centre Christian Coeurville who is involved in exams ) , along with the ‘ tired trio ’ — Sella , Mesnel and LaFond — and the ‘ banned trio ’ of Gimbert , Benazzi and Roumat , and Sebastian Conchy ( the Begles and French students flanker ) met for a squad session in Leon in South West France .
21 We met for the first time just two days before departure and accepted a murderous schedule of four games in 10 days , before opening against the New Zealand provincial champions just two days after a 25 hour journey to Dunedin .
22 They met for the first time on May 13th 1794 , a date which had been specified in the statute .
23 Tamed native birds flocked on the poolside boardwalk of their rented hideaway , ‘ Hawksnest ’ , as we met for the first time , and Robin encircled his shyness with a stream-of-consciousness banter , made easier by the antics of a visiting cocker spaniel , which bit the head off a parrot .
24 They all met for the international meeting at Salzburg in 1908 , having corresponded from 1906 onwards .
25 We met for a drink .
26 The Company 's hint was taken , and on 6th July the Charity Commissioners approved the new Board , which met for the first time twelve days later and agreed to advertise for a Headmaster who — after all the fuss and contrary to what may have been expected — was required to be an Anglican clergyman !
27 On average , we met for three hours every ten days , constantly revising , exchanging and criticising so that in the end we had both had a hand in everything .
28 But when the Assembly met for its first session on 5 January 1918 it immediately became clear that a majority of the deputies were hostile to the government and the Assembly was forcibly disbanded .
29 As Brown observes : ‘ 'What does he do ? ’ remains the most illuminating question to ask about someone met for the first time . ’
30 They met for the first time at the Liverpool Adult Deaf and Dumb Society in Princes Avenue on the 25 April 1890 .
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