Example sentences of "remains so " in BNC.

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1 White was a stylist then , and remains so .
2 This remains so despite regular attendance at squad sessions and strenuous visits to sunny Portugal .
3 Now that the bad times are back again , people inside and outside the industry are wondering why , after all the pain of the 1980s , it remains so weak .
4 The Foreign Office has always been deeply pro-Arab , or ‘ Arabist ’ , and remains so — a matter partly of culture and partly , perhaps , of guilt about the past failures of British policy in the region .
5 The story of his binding makes clear that he remains so , and that he must be accepted as such .
6 It is our world , too , to which God remains so firmly committed .
7 Back to our cell , which , after a word with Mr V. , is like a sauna and remains so all night despite open windows .
8 If this was true for Stendhal at the beginning of the 19th century , it remains so for increasing numbers of us at the end of the 20th .
9 To this day , public fascination with the disaster remains so strong that a flourishinhg market has developed for Titanic memorabilia .
10 Giving priority to developmental work was appropriate in the circumstances of Nottinghamshire in the mid-eighties and still remains so in many respects .
11 A secure , democratic and peaceful world can never be created while so much of the globe remains so desperately poor .
12 By the late 1930s it had been converted to a dwelling and remains so to this day .
13 Since there still remains so much more archaeological work to do on Santorin , three more completely documented eruptions will be described in this chapter .
14 This is the usual way into the caverns and remains so despite the later discovery of Lancaster Hole , since the access is easier .
15 The spoken word is one of the most persuasive and common methods of communication , and remains so , despite the advent of television .
16 In microchip territory , silicon has always been king because it remains so cheap and easy to use .
17 It is in this context that even the barest skeleton of a common vocabulary that captures the different forms of urban life may be welcomed and it is in this search for cogent communication that the notion of the inner city , so commonly discredited analytically , remains so powerful descriptively .
18 The single case was used for the straightforward earth burial and was by far the most common coffin type — and remains so today .
19 The commission remains so weak that it will continue to avoid confrontation with governments .
20 Yet the logic of Time Warner 's deal with US West remains so compelling that others will want to push hard for similar cross-industry alliances .
21 So began the chain of events which ensured that his name remains so widely known , two centuries later , because with the title of High Sheriff came the responsibility for the county gaol .
22 The dynamics of capital accumulation thus ensure that property is distributed unequally , and that it remains so .
23 When newly formed it is flexible and elastic and in many larvae it remains so over much of the body .
24 The first gremlin remains so , but spawns ultra-naughty variants , prone to drinking , tinkering dangerously with machines and occasionally killing , though their essential childishness emerges in their noisy but enthusiastic appreciation of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at the local cinema .
25 The NHS has always been considered a ‘ good buy ’ internationally in terms of administrative costs , and although precise comparisons are not possible , clearly remains so , certainly when compared with the 24.1% calculated for the United States .
26 The fly on top is on the contrary quite agitated , jerking tremendously , then convulsively , putting out its left foreleg to whip , or maybe to stroke some sort of reaction out of the fly beneath , which , however , remains so still that it seems dead .
27 Although no specific percentages were mentioned in the Act , the government had originally intended that the whole of the national curriculum should occupy 70 per cent of the timetable ; but it should also be remembered that religious education has been mandatory since 1944 and remains so .
28 So far none of these has proved to be as popular in the UK as the Sigma and it is the function of the class committee to ensure that this remains so .
29 Who said that Jesus was born only a man and remains so until his baptism .
30 With such obvious delight in food , it 's hard to see how Blanc remains so slim .
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