Example sentences of "application for " in BNC.

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1 Three-year and two-year diploma students should bear these figure in mind so they have some idea of what is going to be involved when they make an application for a further education grant to their local authority .
2 Application for a grant should be made at the same time as the application for an audition in order that you can be sure of your position should you be fortunate enough to be offered a place .
3 Application for a grant should be made at the same time as the application for an audition in order that you can be sure of your position should you be fortunate enough to be offered a place .
4 As I had never actually made a cold application for a job before , I did n't really know what to make of this .
5 I then found my application for financial assistance for part-time study had been rejected ‘ because anthropology is not on the approved list of subjects ( in the Circular ) ’ ( Memo from HQ 1977 ) .
6 The clear , harsh voice again : ‘ There is reason to believe that an application for bail would be allowed . ’
9 Choice of an expansion card , with a particular processor , will be determined largely by intended application for the device .
10 Capricorn 's application for a stay of the English action would be granted .
11 An application for a judicial review of an inquest on three fishermen drowned when their vessel foundered in the Irish Sea in September 1988 will be lodged in the High Court in London today .
12 They will now renew their application for asylum .
13 Two Kurds were injured , one seriously , in a fire inside their locked room at Harmondsworth detention centre near Heathrow airport a day after they were told their application for political asylum in Britain had failed .
14 A less acceptable handicap is the special rule that the application for judicial review must normally be made within only three months from the decision complained of .
15 The recent High Court decision in the Rose Theatre case indicates a restrictive approach to what is a ‘ sufficient interest ’ to permit an application for judicial review .
16 A KURDISH refugee who set fire to himself after being told his application for political asylum in Britain had failed has died , intensifying criticism of the Home Office 's handling of the Kurds ' plight , writes Mike Prestage .
17 The Divisional Court dismissed a general medical practitioner 's application for judicial review of the Health Secretary 's decision that Coventry Family Practitioners ' Committee acted within its powers and duties in imposing a condition on the doctor 's use of the BMA/Air Call Deputising Service .
18 This week Mrs Weber 's lawyers lodged the 18th application for her release on bail , and received the 18th refusal .
19 In a written application for the review , lawyers said the decision to slaughter was made ‘ despite a significant lack of evidence of a connection between the food poisoning outbreak in Bedworth and the monastery ’ .
20 How many people now remember his humiliation as chancellor of the Exchequer , turning back on a trip to Heathrow en route for a meeting of the International Monetary Fund in order that he could draft an application for a loan from the same organisation , then appearing in the Blackpool bear garden to be publicly abused ?
21 Write a resignation application for me , and I 'll sign it . ’
22 providing that these gigs were at PRS-licensed venues , then an application for membership will be accepted for serious consideration .
23 It was believed that an Urban Development Grant might meet this need and Manchester City Council agreed to support the association 's application for this form of government assistance .
24 Manchester City Council supported an application for an Urban Development Grant of £300,000 .
25 The increase in cost also necessitated a fresh application for Urban Development Grant .
26 Today 's reactions to events in Hungary and the GDR , tomorrow 's response to Austria 's already-submitted application for EC membership or to Turkey 's determined membership claims , can all too easily foreclose long-term options .
27 Chairside 's president , Lee Zehrer , a trained dental hygenist , admits , ‘ it 's a fairly new application for dental offices . ’
28 If an applicant is uncertain as to his plans after marriage , the entry clearance officer should treat it as an application for settlement , and consider whether all the requirements for settlement are satisfied .
29 Mr Justice Popplewell said £85,000 paid into court in offer of settlement would be paid immediately , and refused an application for a stay on damages above £85,000 , pending a possible appeal .
30 Bert Millichip , the FA chairman , withdrew England 's application for the clubs to be allowed back into Europe largely because of the way incidents involving English fans , the Dusseldorf police and young Germans looking for trouble had been reported by the press and TV back home .
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