Example sentences of "maybe [art] " in BNC.

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1 One source of interest can be a description of where the interview has taken place , perhaps a studio , or maybe the artist 's home .
2 Maybe the place is too narrow , that we all want to leave it . ’
3 Maybe the thought is ‘ They need cleaning ’ .
4 Maybe the reader 's first thought an experiment of my own showed that this is not misinterpretation in any simple sense .
5 We have covered a lot of ground , and maybe the path through the undergrowth of arguments and data is not a very straight or a very clear one .
6 She always mentions them in her winner 's speech but maybe the players taking part should take a moment to think what makes it possible for them to perform , and maybe say ‘ thank you ’ for all the years of loyalty from these people , instead of getting away from them as fast as they can .
7 Maybe the purely locomotive-hauled coach could be obsolete or at least an enthusiast 's treasure by the end of the nineties .
8 Maybe the mobile phones at the Docklands beer festival were no mere accident .
9 That did no good for the Smurfit price in Dublin , and maybe the nonchalance with which the group now treats the Square Mile reflects the hurt it felt at that piece of analysis .
10 Maybe the party will be able to get some money out of it and we will be able to prostitute ourselves a little bit more .
11 Maybe the wind has changed at the Victoria Ground .
12 Surveying the solitary chair and bare mattress , the missing lightbulbs round the mirror , you understand why for much of the time Newley keeps his eyes closed , picturing maybe the backstage steamrooms and personal barmen of American showbiz .
13 Who knows , if things get really out of hand , maybe the warring crack gangs of Oakland 's ghettos may be moved to declare a truce for the duration .
14 Maybe the police has made me this way , but do you not see that if you 're going to come in here asking me questions about my family , if you 're going to want to know all these things , I 've got to be able to trust you ?
15 Maybe the Officer had a point , that this was no place to play bagpipes .
16 The shelling had stopped now and it was certain that someone had been killed or wounded , maybe the chap in the next slit trench a few feet away .
17 Maybe the wee dram given to me by one of the Sergeant instructors kept out the cold .
18 Maybe the frequent shifts were due to my having BO , ’ Johnny suggests .
19 If none of this works , maybe the band is just no good .
20 If we go to see a band , we do n't just send an A&R person , one of our product managers or maybe the sales director might come as well .
21 Maybe the Film Festival will die at thirty-three as well .
22 Maybe the ‘ cinema tea ’ was 9d and the pot of tea was 6d .
23 The trouble about starting a very small business is that it 's difficult to do things of any great originality , because you do n't have the buying power or maybe the manufacturing base to really get the thing off the ground .
24 Maybe the next crowd will be better than this mixture of druids and crooks that we 're stuck with . ’
25 Maybe the commentator 's lot is not such a happy one after all .
26 Maybe the ones that die quickly are the lucky ones , ’ Vincent said with a surge of pessimism .
27 Maybe the parties foolishly signed a pact which then found its way into the hands of the DTI .
28 Maybe the Food Safety Bill will be useful damage-limitation : pre-empting public terror that almost nothing in the supermarket is safe to eat .
29 The programme suggested that maybe the Babes were based on the Princes in the Tower , allegedly murdered by Richard III .
30 Maybe the single parent is seen as somehow highlighting the cracks that couples think they 've covered over .
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