Example sentences of "looks after " in BNC.

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1 A small full-time staff based in St Albans looks after the day-to-day administration and finances of the Campaign and produced a monthly newspaper , What 's Brewing , and the annual Good Beer Guide .
2 A childminder is anybody who looks after children under 5 in her own home , usually while their parents are at work .
3 This looks after the day-to-day running of the Campaign , leaving the executive to consider major policy initiatives .
4 However , Steve 's 20-year-old son Mark looks after the dogs when dad 's away .
5 Well they say the devil looks after his own .
6 ‘ She looks after me and Annie , ’ I tell him .
7 Lieutenant-Colonel Gordon Wilkinson has responsibility for two military districts and looks after ‘ England north of the Wash ’ .
8 Gail now lives with her widowed mother who looks after all her needs .
9 Dennis also looks after the fruit cage and the greenhouse , where he grows scented plants for the house , like stephanotis and jasmine .
10 I would often hear from my assistant who now looks after Cher , but at that time was delegated to looking after me , and she would say that she 'd just come back from the MainMan offices and the main office door was closed into DeFries 's inner sanctum and there were raised voices between him and David in there .
11 It rose to its highest point of 5.4 per cent in 1984 , falling back again to 4.7 per cent in 1988 , and with a threat of a further decline to the lowest point since the Second World War of 4.4 per cent in 1989 — despite all the Conservative Party 's claims to be the party that looks after the defence of the realm .
12 You could do worse than to sign up with Armed Response , which looks after thousands of homes in middle-class Johannesburg North , a rich hunting-ground that Gary Whittaker , a director of Armed Response , calls ‘ the captured area ’ .
13 Every member of the family looks after her safety as she carries the much welcome unborn child .
14 Lindy is sharp enough , despite the fact that she 's managed by Keith Chegwin 's brother , a man who also looks after Michela Strachan .
15 Sheepishly , Nathan agreed to go and watch movies with Zambia , casting agonised looks after Ari as he followed hir from the canteen .
16 She loves him and looks after him .
17 She looks after her 16-year-old granddaughter , Laurel , a precocious pyromaniac , who , ‘ by some extraordinary carelessness was violated in Hyde Park at the age of 12 ’ .
18 Such a gritty attitude is typical of the veteran Redruth prop , who looks after a flock of 530 sheep and a small herd of beef cattle on his holding close to Padstow on Cornwall 's windswept Atlantic coast .
19 First , it looks after the security of America 's signals traffic by developing new cryptographs and operating procedures .
20 France 's two intelligence organisations are the Direction Général de Sécurité Extérieur ( DGSE ) , which , like MI6 and the CIA , is responsible for espionage operations abroad , and the Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire ( DST ) , which looks after counter-intelligence at home like MI5 .
21 It has two organisations , Mossad Le Aliyah Beth ( Institution of Intelligence and Special Services ) , responsible for external espionage , and Shin Beth ( the Security and Counter Espionage service ) , which looks after internal security .
22 Blake had been a very good agent and the KGB always looks after its own .
23 She revives him and looks after him until he gets strong .
24 For Lifebuoy has an antiseptic action that looks after health upstairs , downstairs , at the sink , wherever it 's used !
25 As a Bank that looks after its customers ' financial welfare , we know just how important the benefits offered by this Plan could be to you as they are paid at a time when you would need real financial help .
26 As a Bank that looks after its customers ' financial welfare , we know just how important the benefits offered by this Plan could be to you as they are paid at a time when you need real financial help .
27 She looks after all the animals on the farm and could teach you all you need to know about horses to pass that test .
28 But such is Rachael 's devotion to Stephen that when his wife , an alcoholic from whom he has parted company , appears at his lodgings , ill and incapable , Rachael looks after her to spare Blackpool the task of doing so .
29 The second eldest , a girl , looks after the house and the rest of the children .
30 Welfare and Education advice is available through the Union Officer and an elected Site Committee looks after many of the day-to-day decisions .
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