Example sentences of "considered [det] " in BNC.

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1 I have considered each of those submissions and I reject each of them .
2 So far we have considered each molecule and its spectrum in isolation .
3 Thus policy has considered each case on its merits .
4 It might be considered that performance at many factory jobs would be easier to assess since a product is involved .
5 But , again , no one seems to have considered that as an option ; and if they had , it would have been highly unpopular and , if implemented , its effects slow and perhaps ultimately unsatisfactory .
6 Why had he not considered that possibility ?
7 However much more it might be considered that the Catholic H.E .
8 Some homoeopathic practitioners advise that patients should not drink coffee , or even tea , while under homoeopathic treatment , as it is considered that coffee in particular tends to inactivate the remedies .
9 In some ways it may be considered that psychology has gone too far .
10 It used to be considered that simulator specifications could only be proposed when the on-line system design had been completed but there are considerable advantages in developing the simulator before the on-line system so that it becomes a dynamic mock-up of the real situation .
11 Things like , it was us who set up the Benefits Unit in the Town Centre , you know , we , it was considered that you know we as a neutral policy team are in without departmental buyers rather than political buyers , that 's a joke , erm , would be the best people to erm , er set up this unit , we do n't have any less interest , the benefit 's , the benefit 's felt within the housing department with with the introduction of Poll Tax and the Poll Tax benefit , it was n't clear where that could go , so we were the people who had to sort that out .
12 It was considered that consistency of performance depended on a number of pupil factors : their motivation and mood , and their perception of the purpose of the test .
13 Erm Jim you , you , you need to present it in a certain way to your staff , and er after you 've considered that , if you do n't feel it 's workable then I think you need to talk to David and I .
14 Pink tie tapped again at his calculator and wondered , with a quick glance at striped shirt , if Miss Glover and her brother had considered that realisation of the asset would bring in … well , at a conservative estimate around ten , fifteen thousand extra income ?
15 Madeleine had not considered that .
16 The reference to the ‘ friend ’ had to do with my association with the Speech Institute , where I was giving a course of lectures on what the Directress , Miss Marjorie Gullan , liked to call ‘ Modernist Poetry ’ ( for it was still considered that ‘ poetry ’ ended with the Georgians , whom we had all studied at school , and that Pound and Eliot were advanced experimenters ) .
17 So er I 've never considered that .
18 Have the Government considered that and , if so , what steps is the Minister taking to mitigate the losses involved ?
19 I am quite sure that British Steel will have considered that and will weigh it up as well as any other possible developments .
20 Freud began to develop his theories in 1886 during the Victorian Age , a time when it was socially unacceptable to discuss sex , and it was considered that woman and children should be seen and not heard .
21 Have n't they considered that as being possible ? ’
22 It is considered that loan stock instruments are usually not issued in consideration of an advance and " advance " therefore usually connotes 'simple debt " rather than debt represented by a loan stock instrument or other security .
23 The correct factual position is as I said that er the County Planning Committee or the County Council has not considered that document .
24 And he 's either going to say well that 's great , that 's exactly what I would suggest , or have you considered this , have you considered that , which is a great security when you 're starting .
25 There are all sorts of people involved and the various underground factions , that maybe that one has , er as , probably as an afterthought er considered that , that maybe money in the release of any Western hostages , that may be where the story has come from , but certainly from the informed sources , and the , the , er certainly on the evidence of past hostages releases , er we would n't really have expected that er ransom would be demanded , obviously we have to wait and see when er , when the hostages are set free .
26 And there are , in fact , several barriers in his writings : that between Jenny and the Reds could be considered another .
27 A great detective might have considered this an astounding coincidence were it not for the fact that the hostelry was the only place in the whole of King 's Magnum Parva where a lady or a gentleman might obtain a meal .
28 In effect we have considered this already ( Chapter 2 ) when we described how delayed retiring times did not tend to be associated with longer sleeps ; it was a rising body temperature that curtailed sleep and over-rode any need for more sleep that might have existed .
29 No one had previously considered this proposal and there was therefore no prepared group response .
30 Damien , no doubt , would not have considered this particularly heroic — all he was doing was following his Master in identifying totally with those he had come to save .
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