Example sentences of "yourself against " in BNC.

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2 When you protect yourself against German Measles , you 're protecting your unborn children .
3 Covering yourself against the expense of going to law : Sue Fieldman describes schemes that insure a policyholder against the risk of legal expenses
4 You can , up to a point ( and we did up to that point ) , protect yourself against them with jungle gels and mustard gases , but the trees give no mercy and there are hours of them between Staddajakkstugorna , a mountain hut on the side of Kapasluoppal , and Staloluokta .
5 • Guard yourself against premature ageing of the skin by eating plenty of vitamin A rich fruits such as apricots , nectarines and canteloupe melon .
6 On the one hand we do n't want to say to Iraq you ca n't defend yourself against Iran , but on the other we do n't trust the Iraqis not to turn those aircraft on us . ’
7 … should n't you protect yourself against the financial effects of a serious injury ?
8 Protecting yourself against loss of income and the expenses incurred during hospitalisation is an important step towards safeguarding your standard of living .
9 It is vital to protect yourself against the loss of such a key person .
10 It is even a good idea to hold on to congratulatory memos ( perhaps appended to slips telling you of pay increases ) or any other correspondence which might at some distant date help you to defend yourself against unfair criticisms of your capabilities .
11 It really does make sense to protect yourself against tetanus .
12 When you protect yourself against German Measles , you 're protecting your unborn child .
13 ‘ I wanted to write , but when you study English literature it paralyses you from being a creative writer , because what you read is so wonderful all the time , you feel you ca n't possibly pit yourself against them and try yourself . ’
14 Then check yourself against the Height/Weight Chart ( see Table 5 ) .
15 However , there is only so much you can do to protect yourself against the whims of the Almighty .
16 You can protect yourself against future rises in interest rates by means of a hedging instrument known as a forward rate agreement , or FRA .
17 How , if at all , are you going to protect yourself against changes in the exchange rate between your currency and your customer 's currency ?
18 A positive attitude is and important asset when it comes to maintaining a workout regime , and that comes with knowing that you are not pitting yourself against the impossible .
19 You must be quick to notice things around you ; you must decide in an instant whether to run or fight ; you must practise turning at speed to defend yourself against attacks from the side and behind .
20 This book is all about defending yourself against baddies but , so far , I have n't mentioned much about the specific types of this particularly unpleasant breed .
21 ‘ Comment : When you make other people laugh , you defend yourself against them taking you too seriously .
22 But before you know it , you 're right in there hammer and tongs , defending yourself against an onslaught of outrage and invective .
23 It is bad actuarial practice to insure against something that can only happen with the consent of the insured person — you can not , for example , ‘ insure ’ yourself against committing suicide .
24 Make sure you have arranged mortgage Protection Cover and , if possible , insure yourself against sickness , redundancy or accident .
25 You are pitting yourself against Pool .
26 Apart from making sure that permanent mains-voltage lights are installed by a competent electrician , the main way of protecting yourself against getting an electric shock from garden lights is to install an RCD .
27 If you are nervous before having to use your voice , whether you are speaking to a conference or about to ask the bank manager for a loan , the first secret of success is to feel those nerves instead of tensing yourself against them .
28 To protect yourself against possible allegations it is essential that you tell your manager :
29 But survivalism also demands that you conquer inner threats or weaknesses , harden yourself against feeling and femininity — NWA , for example , see all women as harpies and exploiters , and prefer sadistic/anal/oral sex to anything more involving .
30 Arming yourself against the sun 's harsh rays is a commonsense precaution — long-sleeved t-shirts , wide-rimmed hats and , of course , a high protection factor sun cream .
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