Example sentences of "exactly as " in BNC.

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1 I had to put the project aside for a while , he wrote , as the rent had to be paid , not to speak of alimony , school fees and the rest , and , coming back to it after a considerable period , much longer , unfortunately , than I had anticipated , and I will not even try to apologize since you gave me a completely free hand — anyway , he wrote , trying to ignore the damp spots left on the page of his pad by his sweaty hands , anyway , coming back to it after all that time I realized that it would be quite impossible in practice to separate the valuable and the worthless , the public and the private , and that , in a sense , one would have to think in terms of either publishing the whole thing exactly as it stood , or not doing it at all .
2 I staked it and nipped out sideshoots as they appeared , exactly as one would when making a fuchsia into a standard .
3 And she typed the dream exactly as it had come to her .
4 Perform the snap punch exactly as before but turn your hip more than previously .
5 She was wearing a huge orange tee shirt and black leggings and looked exactly as she always looked .
6 This was terrible ; he was exactly as she had envisaged .
7 Dostoevsky has an impudent way of making his narrator declare ‘ As a chronicler I confine myself to presenting events exactly as they happened , and it 's not my fault if they appear incredible ’ — like the son of the house writing home about his time on the North-West Frontier of India .
8 So all we have to do is to tell the Governor-General of Canada to behave in relation to his local Parliament exactly as our monarch at home behaves in relation to her Parliament of the United Kingdom . ’
9 It had turned out to be exactly as Charles had forecast , ‘ a gigantic , costly and splendid waste of time ’ .
10 Essentially the ‘ Trojan ’ demands money with menaces — exactly as predicted on this page by Rupert Goodwins many months ago ( Computer April 7 , 1988 ) .
11 During the sixteenth century the Brydges bought up the neighbouring estate belonging to the Garways ( now called Garnstone ) , and at the height of their affluence James Brydges married Jane Blount and built The Ley exactly as you see it today .
12 He wrote out all the lyrics phonetically , so when he had to sing an Italian word , it was written down exactly as it should be pronounced .
13 His passion for his cousin prefigures many subsequent unfulfilled arousals later in his life exactly as , in moments of heightened sensibility , he reveals an almost Puritan recoil from any way of life that was not earnest , spiritually fruitful , and socially useful .
14 It stays exactly as arranged . ’
15 It is not the people who break the pattern of the Numbers stories , but God , for he responds almost exactly as he did at Meribah before .
16 They were as relaxed as you 'd expect a couple of dogs to be in the midday sun in the West Indies and clearly had life exactly as they wanted it .
17 They would be cooked into a greasy stew with vegetables and served up looking exactly as they did when they were raw : pale and nauseatingly realistic , with the toes and claws intact .
18 During the whole of this phase eat and exercise exactly as you normally do .
19 Then allocate ‘ free periods ’ when meals can be eaten exactly as you wish , for example over Christmas you could have one ‘ free ’ meal each day for three or four days .
20 Then she noticed the walking stick jammed up against the wall between the table and the chair , exactly as though he wanted to hide it or disown it .
21 You 're exactly as you were on the day we met . ’
22 What he says about the king 's own explanation for his forwardness in battle is one of a number of examples of d'Ayala 's perception of the Scottish kingdom : ‘ He ( the king ) said to me that his subjects serve him with their persons and goods , in just and unjust quarrels , exactly as he likes , and that therefore he does not think it right to begin any warlike undertaking without being himself the first in danger . ’
23 The words are an echo of the great series of Scottish bonds of protection and service — maintenance and manrent — made from the mid fifteenth to the early seventeenth century by the nobles and the lairds ; the only difference is that rather than being completely mutual , as these bonds were , the king had the confident assurance that his subjects would serve ‘ exactly as he likes ’ — a confidence very far removed from the idea that Scottish kings were in any way at the mercy of their most powerful subjects .
24 Seen from the rear , the house was exactly as she had described it , square and imposing with a flight of elegant stone steps leading down onto the grass .
25 The patterns of responses were exactly as he said they would be , provided that one begins treatment , whether acute or chronic , with the 0/1 potency .
26 It now houses the National Centre of Manzonian studies , with a precious and extensive library , consulting and reading rooms and the Manzoni Museum which includes one wing of the house left exactly as it was when the writer was alive .
27 This group is exactly as its title , the hostess opens her house to any parents or parents to be , who wish to meet with others .
28 To prepare for this he had moved many of his photographs , pictures , books and other possessions from London so that the house , though not looking exactly as it did when he was there , became a showplace bursting with Shaviana .
29 People must decide which they value most — a cheap supply of water , or preserving the countryside exactly as it was .
30 The following extract is exactly as written : ‘ When I tell you that something you use every day could be put to better use — and that using it better could help you to win greater influence , more respect and higher status , promotion and a larger income … it could widen your circle of friends and possibly even secure you fame and power — you might well be curious to know what that ‘ something ’ is …
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