Example sentences of "died [art] " in BNC.

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1 Chatterton died the romantic and traditional early death of the divided , the invaded man , while Eliot did not .
2 Earlier , Lord Donaldson had commented that the £600,000 would give Mrs Sutcliffe a permanent income of some £60,000 a year for life — and when she died the £600,000 would still be intact .
3 In 1734 he was appointed Bishop of Cloyne , eventually moving to Oxford in 1752 , where he died the next year .
4 The mare died the following day .
5 There were , inevitably , undesirable aspects in this emphasis on preaching : congregations shopped about and when a preacher died the congregation dwindled : after Spurgeon 's death the attendance at the Tabernacle fell from over ten thousand to just over 3,500 .
6 Spencer Ell , who had done the audit nobly for many years , died the same year , leaving the Club a generous legacy which funded the building of the present Professional 's shop and the Secretary 's office adjoining .
7 Why , if he died the embarrassment would kill him !
8 He died the next day and became stew .
9 He died the following year .
10 When he died the O'Malleys and the scruff from the hills would fight like tinkers for possession , dividing up the land generations of Drennans had fought and died for — had even apostatised for .
11 And on his lips there died the cheery lay .
12 It also carried a behind-the-scenes look at the fire in a nuclear reactor at Windscale that flamed into the headlines in 1957 and , almost by accident , discovered , via Dr David Jones , that Napoleon died the victim of poisoning by arsenical wallpaper .
13 No woman has ever before become the ruler of Scotland and there are mutterings about the old Celtic tradition that when a king died the closest male relative took over the reins of power .
14 ‘ He died the same night as the King ? ’
15 ‘ When my mother died the only persons to whom I owed duty were my lord who had followed the cross , and Marian , my lord 's daughter .
16 When grandfather died the farmer had allowed my grandmother and her two sons , still in their teens , to stay on in the cottage because he did n't need a new grieve ; he had an unmarried son in the big farmhouse , ready to take on the job .
17 When one dhāmi died the god chose another and was embodied in him so that , although dhāmis came and went , the god 's reputation endured .
18 He was the son of Edward the Third , one of our more warlike kings , but he died the year before his father did , and that 's how we came to get the boy-king Richard the Second in thirteen seventy-seven . ’
19 Grégoire died the next day , in the early morning , two hours before Edouard reached the hospital .
20 A : When Kelly died the government did nothing .
21 He died the death of an actor . ’
22 You see , lass , he died the day afore yesterday . ’
23 Brian died the perfect husband .
24 But she died the same merciless death at the remote nature reserve on the Indian Ocean , 220 miles north of Durban — repeatedly stabbed and hacked to pieces .
25 She died the next morning in hospital without regaining consciousness .
26 From then on , every two years or so , they were to acquire more brothers and sisters : Elizabeth ; Mary , who died the year after her birth ; then Sarah or Susanna , baptised along with a new Mary in 1784 .
27 The manuscript reads : ‘ Item , on Wenysdaye the vth of Septembre , between ij and iij of the Clocke in the morninge died the aforesaid Ladye , late Quene Dowager at the Castle of Sudley in Glocestreshyre , 1548 , and lyeth buried in the Chapell of the seid Castle .
28 Henry VII intended to have the remains reinterred in the new chapel but he himself died the day after its consecration and no one else bothered themselves with Queen Katherine 's corpse .
29 With her died the chance for Sinead to exorcise the demons that had scarred her childhood and turned her into a rebel whose talent to shock would ultimately overshadow her singing ability .
30 ( Yet another of Constanze 's pregnancies had ended in tragedy : another daughter , Anna , had been born and died the previous November .
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