Example sentences of "use to " in BNC.

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1 Apart from clearing Mansell 's name if they upheld the appeal , the FIA tribunal would be of little further use to either the Englishman or his team .
2 More than 60% of AT&T 's $36 billion of sales comes from telephone calls , the remainder from sales of telephone equipment — the big computer-like switches that work telephone exchanges , and the smaller ones , called PABXs , that offices use to route calls internally .
3 At the moment , I am working on a novel and the kitchen table has on it only the ancient German electric typewriter which I use to type out the second draft of what I have already written by hand .
4 This appears , sadly , to be the situation in many countries , and suggestions like the one from the WHO document Social and health aspects of sexually transmitted disease ( 1977 ) that ‘ it is essential for clinics to have the basic equipment required for making rapid diagnosis : the darkfield examination , a quick micro-flocculation test for syphilis , and smear and culture of specimens for gonorrhoea ’ are not much use to a health worker in a village in India , who , far from considering buying a microscope , can not obtain the antibiotics needed to cure gonorrhoea had he the facilities for diagnosing it .
5 Today the practice of this principle should lead the Church to apply the standards of fairness that are now accepted in society and this means being seen to value and use to the full the vocation and gifts of women .
6 If I had developed some measure of showmanship over the years , I felt it was not much use to me or anyone else while I sat in my office and let junior producers have all the fun .
7 In spite of this , there is plenty of scope for what is sought to be greatly reduced ; it is also possible for the permission to be limited in time , in other words for the development , building and/or use to be permitted only until some date in the future .
8 Single-line kites can tolerate , even use to advantage , the flex of GRP rod and tube .
9 In short , theory can help practitioners to adopt a theoretical orientation to their task , whereby they seek to refer the particular techniques they use to more general principles , and , reciprocally , test out the validity of such principles against the observed actualities of classroom practice .
10 Not much use to Keen Dee ; he did n't have any enquiries , just wanted to get pumped .
11 Mr Reenan and his wife Phyllis connected it to a £1,000 airwaves scanner which they use to earwig calls made on mobile phones .
12 It has succeeded without any of the marketing hype , environmental or otherwise , that rival firms use to soft-soap their customers .
13 An Add-A-Plane jig and planer I normally use to thickness ¼in strips for canoe building provided the answer .
14 And the house to Mr Evans though it wo n't be much use to him .
15 One might also predict that context would be of most use to individuals who have acquired rapid word-recognition skills and who can integrate word meanings rapidly .
16 Alternatively it may be of great specialist interest to the readers of a particular set of publications but of no personal interest or use to the staff on those journals .
17 ‘ I wo n't be much use to you if you wo n't tell me . ’
18 But poisoned meat is n't much use to anybody , is it ? ’
19 The firearms receipts were probably of the most use to him , and the guarantee cards all carried the purchaser 's signature , Ian P. Sampson in a leaning scrawl that should n't be too hard to imitate .
20 Are n't any of those in middle of the night like I use to .
21 The picture that emerged was unflattering ; but it was n't much use to an aspiring blackmailer .
22 Use in oriental-style dishes and sprinkle it over meat before grilling it or use to liven up leftover boiled rice .
23 That , however , is not much use to the retailer if the boy has chosen instead to sue the retailer for breach of contract .
24 ‘ Well , you 're not much use to anyone in here . ’
25 Use to which the information system will be put impinges upon most of the earlier issues , but there are elements of the nature of use which can be considered in their own right .
26 Work with oriented single crystals can give detailed information ; specialized texts ( see Ref. [ 7 ] , p. 63 ) should be consulted to enable the best use to be made of such experiments .
27 When Pat Samson , the model for ‘ Girl with a Squint ’ had her squint corrected , the artist is reported as having ‘ joked ’ : ‘ Oh hell , he wo n't be much use to me now ’ .
28 ‘ It wo n't be much use to them , ’ said a police spokesman
29 Satellite TV facilities allow use to be made of Russian TV programmes and films .
30 Newcastle , York , all them big places use to be what they all specials .
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