Example sentences of "expected at " in BNC.

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1 Around 22,000 visitors are expected at the North of England Horticultural Society 's autumn show on September 13 and 14 .
2 Age Concern England has written to Tony Newton , Secretary of State for Social Security , prior to his announcement on social security upratings which is expected at the end of October .
3 A final decision on the details of the EC 's own contribution is expected at a meeting of EC finance ministers in Luxembourg next week .
4 It made 50 per cent more than expected at £5.5m and every lot was sold .
5 A white paper is expected at the end of this month in response to the Griffiths Report , which recommended that authorities be given greater responsibility for the mentally handicapped .
6 The CEGB disclosed the escalation in nuclear costs as it announced that operating profits are £603 million lower than expected at £355 million .
7 Up to 10,000 are expected at the 12-hour party scheduled to begin at 8pm tomorrow on a private estate .
8 It was not as I had expected at all because living in the kind of commune that Mary Finnigan 's house was , there was n't a lot of time for romance .
9 In fact , however , new disappointments followed on Hitler 's confident promises : the bombing , almost unimpeded by German defences , intensified ; the situation on the eastern Front worsened almost by the day ; and in the west an invasion was expected at any time .
10 COLCHESTER 'S quest to become only the second club to complete the non-League double continues today , with a 6,000-plus crowd expected at Layer Road for the Vauxhall FA Trophy semi-final clash with Macclesfield .
11 SHARES in Waste Management International , the waste disposal group being floated in London by its American parent , were priced a shade lower than expected at 585p yesterday , before jumping to 612p on the grey market .
12 ON a day when conditions were typical of what is expected at Barcelona in July , British Flying Dutchman crews proved they are no longer the lame ducks of the Olympic team by finishing first , second , fourth and fifth off Hyeres yesterday .
13 MacGillivrays from Australia and America are expected at the five-day shindig , to include treks , lectures and whisky swilling .
14 1.6 The assessment framework adopted by the Government requires that : ( a ) attainment targets are set for the knowledge , skills , and understanding normally expected at the ages of 7 , 11 , 14 and 16 ; ( b ) pupils ' performances in relation to attainment targets should be assessed and reported on at ages 7 , 11 , 14 and 16 .
15 For instance , I once had occasion to ask him if a certain gentleman expected at the house was likely to be accompanied by his wife .
16 Here , as in the Netherlands ( van Wijhe et al. 1980 ) , the ‘ gas window ’ may be expected at a depth of 4000–6000 m ( at a geothermal gradient of 32°C/km ) .
17 As in the Z2 Carbonate , a belt of good porosity might be expected at the edge of the platform where a continuous sequence of oolites is though to be present .
18 An official announcement was expected at the end of the week , following a final meeting at Pirelli 's Milan headquarters , but it has been delayed by contractual difficulties with some of the company 's existing Italian agencies .
19 But for those departments and individuals who received them , they have been vital and they have paid off in ways not expected at the time of the award .
20 Pilatus will build four production aircraft in 1993 , with FAA certification expected at the end of that year , and 31 in 1994 .
21 Any given rise in unemployment in the winter months , therefore , can only be shown to be significant if it can be demonstrated that the rise is over and above that which is normally expected at that time of year .
22 , a forecast of the weather expected at a particular aerodrome during the following thirty minutes , updated every half hour ( at H ± 20 and H ± 50 )
23 An invited audience of at least 250,000 is expected at the outdoor event .
24 More than one million fans are expected at box offices this weekend to see pint-sized superstar Macaulay Culkin 's new blockbuster .
25 A refinancing deal to save Rosehaugh , led by Barclays Bank , has failed and the receivers were expected at its offices this morning .
26 Almost all the Royal Family is expected at the tiny Crathie church , close to Balmoral , for the wedding ceremony at 3pm on Saturday .
27 attainment targets are set for the knowledge , skills and understanding normally expected at the ages of 7 , 11 , 14 and 16 ;
28 And , as is often the case in the media , literary texts have the habit of not turning out to mean what might be expected at first sight .
29 IT really was not the sort of behaviour expected at one of England 's oldest golf clubs .
30 ‘ It is not surprising therefore that here in Britain the recovery that nearly all forecasters expected at the time of the Budget in March has still not become established .
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