Example sentences of "myself as " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was proud of myself as a soldier , ’ said Loy Im , a 32-year-old former Khmer Rouge commander who had deserted to rejoin his family after 17 years in the jungle .
2 Whilst I saw myself as the hero 's faithful sidekick got up as I was in cowboy gloves with real leather fringes , two guns in holsters buckled on and tied around the leg for fast draws , ten gallon hat and waistcoat , Skippy insisted that I be the daughter of the murdered rancher whose cattle were being rustled .
3 ‘ I would describe myself as a Communist but other Socialist traditions are also important . ’
4 I will grow old gracefully , as we are advised ; and as I made ready for the night I tried to see myself as the little girls must have seen me .
5 How do you expect me to conceive myself as no longer existent ? ’
6 When I said I fancied myself as a bit of a Rudolf lookalike , I meant Valentino !
7 I do n't see myself as a pop artist .
8 Leaning in over the sleeping child I must have wanted to see myself as the angel , hovering in protection of an infant who was so obviously in peril .
9 I saw myself as a write-off as far as boyfriends were concerned .
10 If asked , I would describe myself as average height , with dyed black hair .
11 I think of myself as a pretty good businesswoman now .
12 ‘ I have always seen myself as a younger version of Joan Collins . ’
13 ‘ I suppose I have always seen myself as a younger version of Joan Collins , ’ she confided .
14 ‘ I see myself as a guardian , although I 'm making my own marks with a herb garden and wild flower garden . ’
15 To achieve the latter I have to see myself as an object , to know how my regretting might appear .
16 And I have certainly never represented myself as the ‘ creator of a radical idea ’ .
17 Remember , I 've never thought of myself as anything other than an amateur .
18 Mr D. Davidson turned out to be Alec 's father and after I had identified myself as an old school-friend of Alec 's — I allowed myself a little poetic licence in this description — he confirmed that Alec still lived in Strondonald .
19 I saw myself as a sort of martus among miracle-workers , a surf-chanting troubadour .
20 The corrugations of the track were half-filled with grit so that the wheel lost momentum in each hollow and at times I thought of myself as an engine-driver , pushing my train back to the station , always careful not to trip over the sleepers .
21 I always saw myself as a creator of space for particular needs , and I found the best ideas which fitted in with that need and that slot and I then encouraged and challenged and stimulated and created the space for that production team to make that programme in the best possible way .
22 ‘ I have lived in the district for a long time and regard myself as a ‘ local ’ . ’
23 I have described myself as a loner with the profession of an artist-writer .
24 I would throw the ball hard against the wall , when it bounced back , take a ‘ controlled ’ kick , all the while imagining myself as one of my St. Martin 's heroes .
25 Anyway , I got up , and went about my chores , feeding the cats and brewing tea for the rest of the still-slumbering inhabitants of my humble home in order to get them up and out to school and work , and I was thinking to myself as the kettle boiled that here was the start of yet another ordinary damned day , when the post clanked and slithered through the letter box .
26 Since nuclear power stations are no longer the easiest route to nuclear weapons , I do n't see myself as a double-headed monster .
27 I see myself as a voluntary servant of the composer , not as his slave .
28 I look upon myself as the kind of producer who is more of a musical supervisor , someone who is responsible for the artistic liaison between the artist and the nature of the finished product .
29 I was beginning to think of myself as an athlete , though not a very serious one .
30 I had again beaten the top sprinters of Europe , firmly establishing myself as the continent 's number one .
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