Example sentences of "attention to " in BNC.

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1 Draw her attention to the case of ecumenical community worker Maria N. Santa Clara and her colleague Angelina Llenarasas who were arrested by men in plain clothes in a village near Naga City on 26 April 1989 .
2 A supplementary approach to school art instruction is to draw attention to the types of subject in art , such as portraiture , narrative , landscape .
3 We have already mentioned in passing the state policies regarding the arts in Germany , the USSR and China ; there have been writers who followed the party lines by giving attention to those artists favoured by patronage , while neglecting others .
4 He paid close attention to characteristics in a painting so apparently insignificant as the shape of a nostril or the lobe of an ear , arguing that such details were too unimportant for a follower to copy exactly .
5 We have already looked at writing in catalogues , and can now turn our attention to the critical responses which appear in articles .
6 Because of their frontality African figure sculptures are commonly photographed or drawn full face , concealing the fact that the sculptor has paid a great deal of attention to the profile view .
7 Behrens 's book , however , pays no attention to politics or to public matters .
8 Nevertheless it is an utterance of the Amis who has made himself known on other occasions , and it can be none the worse for being read by those who are able and disposed to pay intelligent attention to this range of information — which is not to imply that the information may not be disastrously misunderstood .
9 Theatre invites you to give your full attention to what is happening on stage — the theatrical experience is a very concentrated one and you as a member of the audience are vitally connected to what is going on .
10 At drama school , there is constant attention to a student 's control of both voice and movement , and the different departments work at developing a student 's overall acting technique .
11 In this respect , it is useful to pay attention to what we might now term the human rights ' issue as one examines the handling of public — private morality in the Irish constitution .
12 So , wrote Harsnet , there is continuity as well as discontinuity , but that does not mean , he wrote , that there exists what is called character , personality , character , Goldberg wrote in the margin , personality , as they seem to think , wrote Harsnet ( and Goldberg went on typing ) , when they say you have such a generous character if you would only recognize it , or you have so much to offer , or it is not for myself I speak but for you , not for myself I mourn but for the waste of all that generosity , when they pour those words over you , character , generosity , warmth , looking sad , shedding tears , putting on a brave face , saying do n't pay any attention to me , or , it 's nothing , forget it , I 'm crying for the waste , meaning waste if it 's not directed towards them , but you have only to see what happens when one lets oneself be persuaded by that sort of thing , wrote Harsnet , you have only to see what happened to Hutchinson , MacMahon , Rollins and Goldberg .
13 The choice is to ignore this or to draw attention to it .
14 All too often , however , such fittings and materials are not only historically inappropriate — stained tropical hardwood from razed rainforests , horse brasses and rows of unwanted Book Club volumes are no substitute for an original , atmospheric interior — but also pay scant attention to the history and development of each individual building .
15 Sergeant Bramble turned his attention to the kettle .
16 ‘ It did occur to me that the doctor did choose an odd moment to draw attention to the bell 's being there .
17 ‘ In his office , ’ she replied , and she then returned her attention to her newspaper .
18 When we were first warned , I did n't really pay much attention to what was being said about it — the same problem had flared up at both Jersey House and the hotel I 'd just left but in neither case had there been prolonged cause for concern .
19 Get an expert to inspect the whole glider carefully , paying particular attention to the wing-root and fuselage fittings , and the tail and rear fuselage .
20 It is wise to remove the wings and tailplane to inspect the attachment points carefully , and to pay particular attention to the rear fuselage and base of the fin .
21 The following incident with an experienced pilot on a K6E drew attention to the importance of making smooth stick movements .
22 Indeed insider accounts have largely consisted of bland reminiscences in the style of ‘ my greatest arrests and cases ’ and it has been left to investigative journalism to redress some unacceptable police activity , by calling attention to the limits and abuses of police authority , power , and accountability .
23 He drew attention to the three spelling mistakes Leonard manages to include in so short a piece , marked by ( ! ) , and at the points we enumerate offers the following marginal comments : 1 . )
24 Steinberg , introducing Klein 's brilliant novel The Second Scroll , draws attention to , ‘ The obsessive theme of the discovered poetry ( of New Israel ) is the miraculous , and the key image necessary to explain the remarkable vitality , the rebirth evidenced in every aspect of life , is the miracle . ’
25 Professor Andrew Greeley extended this by drawing attention to the special sensitivity of the sufferers , by which they are easily hurt , which he found often resulted from an unhappy childhood .
26 Stephen Scobie has called attention to the sheer excess with which Leonard adorns his pages .
27 Manzano has drawn attention to a real difference when he says ( of both these first books ) , ‘ In general Cohen is lyrical in his writings when he refers to himself , and anarchistic when he confronts the outside world , ’ a comment which becomes more fully justified as time goes by , though Leonard 's anarchism remained personal and mainly verbal .
28 Other than that , it was important that she should look interesting so that even if what she said was dull the audience would not be bored ; that the outfit should take account of the long range view — jewellery or other small items were irrelevant — and that it should draw attention to her face .
29 What if we simply draw their attention to the trailing ends ?
30 I have tested literally hundreds of children on conservation tasks over a period of twenty years and have confirmed ( to my own satisfaction at least ) that fundamentally — in terms of the central systems — one does not succeed in drawing their attention to non-salient features .
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