Example sentences of "round every " in BNC.

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1 All the evidence suggests that she had her confessor wrapped around her little finger : while claiming the complete obedience appropriate to her spiritual supervisor she in fact got round every attempt he ever made to make her moderate her life style ; she persuaded him to confer his blessing and approval on her choices .
2 But even then , there are massive periodic bills that come round every second generation — a major roof repair , a bit of bad luck like serious dry rot .
3 Ozymandias , whose famous admonishment has been haunting me from Day One , seems to lurk round every corner , laughing up his sleeve .
4 ‘ You mean to tell me , ’ Mrs Wilson interrupted , ‘ that you went round every secretarial agency in London asking about someone they might have employed fourteen years before , someone who most likely had changed her name , and you expected to succeed ? ’
5 ‘ Unfortunately , you do n't win any prizes for a fast-finishing seventh and a race like the Ebor does n't come round every day , ’ he said .
6 Ole Bert Moseley 's 'ere on the dot at nine o'clock every Monday mornin' wiv me stuff , an' Albert Buller comes round every Thursday mornin' ter take me order .
7 The recipes and the suggested menus evoke the days of English parlourmaids handing round every course in silver-plated entrée dishes far too big for the food they contained , while the illustrations of table decorations devised by Mr Thomas Lowinsky depict such conversation stimulators as " two dead branches in an accumulator jar " , or " a spiral of chromium-plated steel pierced with holes through which the stems of flowers are passed " .
8 The day he left , Kathy said to Clare , ‘ I 'll come round every evening and you can phone me any time — I 've asked my boss . ’
9 ‘ And if he did n't do that , he 'd get one of his men to ring round every hotel in England .
10 The inspectorate er men I do n't know whether it 's the same as the one that looked after the coal field and all that , but erm we we had an inspector coming round every so often anyway .
11 Iris had an American cousin staying with her and had been too busy dragging him round every art gallery and stately home in the county to have time for her .
12 Even when the audience could n't see her because he 'd managed to move across and mask her , holding centre stage for himself , they could still hear that effortless , golden sound spinning round every prism of the crystal chandelier in the middle of the theatre .
13 Or put the other way round every American state raises eighty percent of the money it spends within the state whereas a British local authority is raising ten percent or fifteen percent .
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