Example sentences of "to think [art] " in BNC.

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1 He is qualified to think the unthinkable and to pose those questions which in normal circumstances would go unasked .
2 a rigorous attempt to Think the limits of that principle of reason which has shaped the emergence of Western philosophy , science and technology at large … the activity of deconstruction is strictly inconceivable outside the tradition of enlightened rational critique whose classic formulations are still to be found in Kant ( Norris 's italics ) .
3 Once vice-chancellors start to think the unthinkable , then the issue becomes part of the agenda and it becomes harder to retreat .
4 We talked about having some fun with cars at a time when I was beginning to think the two were no longer synonymous .
5 Friends considered him so depressed during this period that they were even beginning to think the unthinkable — that he might give up and turn his back on society and all its ills , and do what he would have really chosen to do with his life : be a country squire .
6 As Western governments struggle from decision to decision , making up instant policies as they react , the need is for vision and imagination : a willingness to think the previously unthinkable , to sort out in their minds what sort of Europe they would like to have created in 10 years ' time .
7 Yet when a wisdom becomes as conventional as this one , it is time to question it and even to think the opposite .
8 Then , finally , in 1662 , he apologetically asked Charles II not ‘ to think the worse of me , if snatching up all the weapons to fight against your enemies , I lighted upon one that had a double edge ’ .
9 It may have been the job of the think-tank to think the unthinkable , but such discussion needed to be on the basis of informed examination .
10 Plato was surely mistaken to think the soul inherently immortal by nature rather than in dependence on God 's will , and to suppose it capable of reincarnation .
11 She seems to think the doctors believe she is a bad mother because she has an anorexic daughter .
12 They have a right to think the way they do .
13 But the newspaper people — and the people who read them , which is pretty well everybody — they 've had no chance to think the thing through .
14 Later he came to think the death instinct was more important . ’
15 Having seen taxis north of Adrar , and then a couple of days ago , a convoy which had not so much as a compass , I had begun to think the desert not so terrible after all .
16 To empathise is to set aside our own perception of things and attempt to think the way the other person thinks , or feel the way he feels … a very different quality to sympathy .
17 Dyed-in-the-wool fabric-winged 65 hp-engined Ercoupe owners would appear to think the same about the metal Alon model in comparison to their own , if the Coupe Capers newsletter is anything to go by !
18 She is beginning to think the word ‘ holiday ’ is an exotic Greek meal .
19 ‘ I like to think the main reason we have stayed together since the World Cup is the great spirit within this Australian team .
20 I 'm beginning to think the fans will soon see me as a bit of a jinx .
21 In its 130-page publication on the subject , an aspiring paperback writer has seen fit to throw in quotes and subtitles taken from famous Beatles ' songs , which is apparently intended ‘ to disrupt the close relationship between the thinkable and speakable and to think the otherwise unspeakable ’ .
22 ‘ Why , say either yes or no , ’ smiled Lamprey , ‘ unless you prefer to think the matter over . ’
23 There is no need , however , to think the son was exactly like the father .
24 Maybe because tonight the warning had been a long time sounding , had started its tormented wailing just when everyone began to think the bombers were n't coming .
25 ‘ Doctors are starting to think the mind can affect the body 's health and are unwilling to dismiss spiritual healing out of hand . ’
26 But he warned : ‘ It would be naive to think the Provisional IRA are not planning a major attack on the British mainland . ’
27 But he warned : ‘ It would be naive to think the Provisional IRA are not planning a major attack on the British mainland . ’
28 However , although this example reflects the failure of the Federal Trade Commission to think the sanction of positive repentance through to its logical conclusion , it also demonstrates just how powerful this sanction could be , had it been accompanied by just one further instruction — ‘ publish the repenting adverts in the original outlets ’ .
29 ‘ And to think the stuff 's valuable ! ’
30 Tweed began to think the pauses were a Buchanan tactic — to emphasize what he said next .
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