Example sentences of "gets the " in BNC.

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1 Well , I must admit there 's a bit of me that thrives slightly on the exam syndrome — something that gets the adrenalin flowing rather like ‘ first nights ’ .
2 We will see , wrote Harsnet , whether he parts with it or not , whether his greed gets the better of his sentimentality .
3 It can be used as an incisor ; a grounder ; skew chisel ; it can do some modelling , cleaning corners , curved ‘ V ’ cuts that twist and turn , has the tight size and bend to enable good control regardless of grain , and gets the blue ribbon .
4 It dries quickly and the north-west face gets the afternoon and evening sunshine .
5 The academic gets the publication record that leads to tenure or advancement , and his or her name becomes known in the profession ; the institution gains performance-indicators ; and the publisher keeps a full and interesting list .
6 Pound , it will be noticed , gets the kinship wrong , as well as the spelling .
7 The two wives and two children he left behind in Russia call strongly to him , and when , under glasnost relaxations , he gets the chance to visit them , the relationship with Katherine can not take the strain .
8 ‘ It 's very exciting and gets the adrenalin going , ’ says David Phillip , whose firm usually undertakes auctions in the Otley area .
9 Here , for example , is how Elena 's ancestors dealt with an enemy : ‘ They would eat his tongue for wisdom , his heart for courage , and for fertility make their women chew his genitals ’ ( not difficult to imagine who gets the worst of that deal ) .
10 Those waiting to see whether Edwards or Tony Myler gets the stand-off shirt must likewise wait a little longer , and Reilly has also prevaricated over the choice between Alan Tait and Steve Hampson at full-back , though neither player is injured .
11 Predictably , a much-mentioned colleague absent on sick-leave gets the job two of the characters on stage are rivals for .
12 There are cooperatives in which the manager gets the same as the band members and the manager 's office expenses are treated as a band cost , along with the trucks , boats and recording .
13 Presentation may not get you plus points , but poor presentation gets the sort of result which reflects the lack of effort put into the tape .
14 Our label manager gets the finished master tapes to the stage of putting a sleeve around it , while our marketing person decides when records are released , in which formats and how radio and television will be approached .
15 The man jabs his left ski down as Odd-Knut goes by , gets the ski between dog and trace and is hauled over and forwards .
16 Why is it only me that gets the rats ?
17 Finally his conscience gets the better of him and we break out the large billy from his sledge and light another fire in the lea of a sledge .
18 It gets the 1.4-litre engine , five-speed gearbox , cross-spoke alloys and a sunroof .
19 All you can do is wait until your stepfather gets the will admitted to probate .
20 One gets the feeling from Warnie 's diary , for example , that it was better to be a good Inkling than a good poet , or even a good man .
21 One gets the strong feeling that he would not ( in the unlikely event of his standing as a candidate ) have stood much chance of becoming Professor of Poetry at Oxford if Lewis and Tolkien had had anything to do with it .
22 Paul Nicholas dimples charmingly as Aladdin , which gets the girls screaming ; Paul Shane holiday-camps around as Widow Twankey ; and the Simmons brothers ' double act as the Chinese Policemen is actually quite funny .
23 There again is the brave Boris Nikolayevich facing up to a murderous convict who has been given work on a building site and is threatening foreman Yeltsin with an axe ; sheer strength of will sends the man packing and the construction team gets the work done on time .
24 It suggests to the black who gets the job , and the white colleagues he meets , that he did not get there on merit , but because of the colour of his skin .
25 Neat : the rich West gets the power ; the poor East gets the power stations .
26 Neat : the rich West gets the power ; the poor East gets the power stations .
27 His legacy as an artist is contained in a single novel , Homeboy , the tale of a charming , drug-addicted , dope-dealing , pimping , strip-show barker who finds salvation , gets the girl ( the whore with the heart of gold ) , and rides his motorcycle into the sunset and , presumably , a happy ending .
28 That way we can see that he gets the credit .
29 The struggle continues in the light of day in two stories which tell how he , the younger brother , gets the better of Esau .
30 The afterlife becomes an alternative heroic arena to the smalltown roadhouse , where Swayze proves himself and still gets the girl , even though he 's dead .
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