Example sentences of "becomes so " in BNC.

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1 Any contestant who , in the referee 's opinion , becomes so over-excited that he loses self control may be disqualified from the entire tournament .
2 It does n't follow that the cap/name link disappears but that it becomes so to say transpersonalized .
3 Héléne Cixous is an exception in this respect , and it is interesting that she becomes so by almost reversing the psychoanalytically inspired account of homosexuality as involving a fear of difference/desire of the same .
4 It is suddenly hoisted into the air by a set of teeth , and becomes so delightfully frightening that the horses snort and leap — and your jumper disappears at a gallop down the paddock .
5 That 's when spending time together becomes so important .
6 This difference in salt content leads to a difference in density , which becomes so marked that the dense southern waters flow into the less dense waters to the north of New Guinea .
7 .. [ which ] in the case of people who are not constitutionally sound becomes so dangerous that in many cases it develops into a ‘ consumption ’ … and the wisest course for such people to adopt is to leave England and cross the sea .
8 Within a given political economy where there is a ‘ free ’ market for labour ( taking this , hypothetically as given ) , labour becomes so plentiful and therefore cheap that it can not make a living .
9 This is often a useful exercise , although there is occasionally a risk that the emphasis upon paperwork becomes so great that everyone loses sight of what was originally intended .
10 For some reason bream will still take a redworm even when preoccupied with casters , but there are times when the preoccupation becomes so acute you simply have to use casters on the hook .
11 Such an agency generates a repulsive force which eventually becomes so strong as to halt the contraction of the object and to make it ‘ bounce ’ .
12 FRACTAL geometry is one of those concepts which at first sight invites disbelief but on second thought becomes so natural that one wonders why it has only recently been developed .
13 A lot of the pain and loss is felt when the parent they have known and loved becomes so altered .
14 Everything becomes so much easier and some people have an experience akin to walking on air or walking on the moon .
15 The other , frightened of a similar propensity , consciously abhors what becomes so tedious , but unconsciously fuels the fury and whine because of the need to keep in touch with the repudiated blaming , whining self .
16 The tragedy of the whole affair becomes so pathetic as we realise that Coleen does love him and only a delay of post cost him his life .
17 Where the terrain becomes so steep that the leader no longer has a reasonable likelihood of controlling a slide , then belays of some form should be taken for the seconds .
18 That is not to say it is the recommended method , once you have started the latch tool method of working ribs it becomes so fast as to make you wonder why you did n't try it before .
19 Relativism is not an attractive proposition to anyone , least of all philosophers , because everything becomes so uncertain and transitory .
20 As you near the village of Kentmere the beauty of the Lake District becomes so clear .
21 The danger in exclusively privileging the socio-cultural context in the interpretation of human institutions and behaviour is that every social phenomenon becomes so context-dependent that it can not be translated across cultures .
22 In many ways , I feel , such a policy is against proper footwork , so then , of course , bodywork becomes so important .
23 It is here that the visual cat and mouse game in nature becomes so fascinating lending itself to multifold design possibilities .
24 Unless such points are maintained , the analogy becomes so strained that little that is distinctive about natural selection remains .
25 It is not yet clear why the activity becomes so much more pronounced as the nucleus is approached , although there are several possible explanations .
26 On one side is the shattering power of time : This feeling of inevitability becomes so strong that it makes the poem comment on itself in surprised awareness — ‘ Oh fearful meditation ! ’ — and pushes on to an apparently unanswerable climax : ‘ Or what strong hand can hold his swift foot back ? / Or who his spoil of beauty can forbid ? ’
27 When a Hollywood genre — in this case , the ‘ action-packed ’ buddy movie — becomes so tired that even Hollywood realizes it , their solution is simple : just reverse the formula until that becomes the formula .
28 After a few days , her hunger becomes so great that she goes away to feed , leaving her young in the charge of others .
29 But as mid-day approaches , it becomes so hot that the lizards and birds retreat into the shade wherever they can find it .
30 In parts of northern Australia , where there are heavy seasonal rains , the ground becomes so waterlogged for part of the year that these downward migrations are not possible .
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