Example sentences of "miss [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Madame Gautier and Miss Milligan . ’
2 Miss Milligan , ’ a man said somewhere in the haze in front of her .
3 ‘ I 'm very pleased to make your acquaintance , Miss Milligan , ’ the man continued .
4 ‘ I most certainly would , Miss Milligan , ’ her host agreed .
5 William O'Hara , whom Ellie quite properly never called anything but Mr O'Hara , and who equally properly never called Ellie anything but Miss Milligan , escorted Ellie to the opera , to concerts , to Boston 's fine art galleries , and to the theatre .
6 ‘ Please do n't take this as an impertinence , Miss Milligan , ’ Mr O'Hara said to her early on in their relationship , ‘ but a girl as pretty as you , and one as elegant , should really have the clothes to enhance her beauty .
7 ‘ Perhaps after lunch , Madame , ’ Mr O'Hara suggested , ‘ you and I might be able to persuade Miss Milligan otherwise . ’
8 ‘ If I could perhaps have your address for delivery please , Miss Milligan , ’ the chief assistant requested .
9 ‘ Nor anyone better than you , Miss Milligan . ’
10 ‘ So am I , Miss Milligan ! ’ he said .
11 If ever you 're thinking of buying a store , Miss Milligan , buy one on a corner .
12 ‘ So do n't you worry about being from the wrong side of the tracks , Miss Milligan , ’ he reassured her .
13 ‘ I do n't wish to disillusion you , Miss Milligan , ’ he said .
14 ‘ I 'm quite sure it does , Miss Milligan .
15 For example , one sage quoted by Bodine railed against the custom of saying that X and Y were married , or worse , that Mr X was married to Miss Y. Propriety would be better served , he pointed out , if this fact were always expressed in terms of the woman being married to the man , since it is the woman who is passed from father to husband and loses her identity .
16 Stay out here or go back into the classroom , she did n't want to be found out there if by any chance Miss Graining the Head came by .
17 And quite seriously , Miss Rona Stevens answered sotto voce in between her serving , ‘ Oh , it 's in their eyes : kind of a troubled , searching look , like … well , like something that 's escaped from a cage . ’
18 Although his father had acknowledged the son in due time — when the boy grew up to be phenomenally educable — he had never married Miss Chib .
19 Before the apple charlotte , Miss Chib was given a bowl of pea soup with a spoonful of whipped cream on it .
20 If you have any queries on the above please contact Miss Middlemiss on extension 3088 .
21 Addressing Liverpool Crown Court , Miss Coltman : ‘ He said he was carrying out operations at the hospital .
22 Miss Coltman , a friend of the deceased since they were teenagers , told the court : ‘ Paula was saying that Eddie was going to be promoted .
23 Cross-examined by David Turner QC , defending , Miss Coltman said : ‘ He ( Eddie ) said he had worked for EMI and backed people and played guitar .
24 ‘ Paula started to tell me about another woman who Eddie had begun seeing and she said that the marriage had gone through a bad patch and divorce proceedings had been started , ’ Miss Coltman said .
25 Miss Coltman said Paula had shown her a letter from Mrs Davies to Gilfoyle .
26 Miss Coltman said : ‘ Paula started to tell me about another woman that Eddie was seeing and at one point divorce proceedings had been started .
27 Miss Coltman said Paula told her Sandra was due to move in but she put her foot down .
28 They had patched things up , ’ said Miss Coltman .
29 Miss Coltman said Paula had shown her a letter from Mrs Davies to Gilfoyle .
30 Miss Coltman said : ‘ Paula started to tell me about another woman that Eddie was seeing and at one point divorce proceedings had been started . ’
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