Example sentences of "use [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The evening newscasts across the United States would use between thirty seconds and two minutes , according to taste .
2 What form of words should I use for a legacy to ACET ?
3 Time spent puzzling how to avoid these problems is time wasted which you could use for looking around more .
4 Time is always well spent when practising steep turns : not the classroom type where you pick up more speed and then go into the turn , but the sort you might use for thermalling .
5 • Space Runner is tipped to be the name Mitsubishi will use for its appealing new people carrier , which is due in the UK this year .
6 INSIDER DEALING Journalists should not use for their own profit financial information they receive professionally in advance of its general publication .
7 She said an ex-boyfriend had a house across Lake Pontchartrain they could use for the weekend .
8 The more torque an engine has , the bigger load it can pull in the same gear or the higher gear it can use for a given load .
9 So we are looking for a new name that we shall use for the discs when they are eventually released .
10 The UK government measures the lead in tapwater that has been running for several minutes , as it would be if you had a bath in it , and not the first few pints or cupfuls , as you would use for cooking or making a cup of tea .
11 Put these on — I got some clothes that will fit you , and you can use for the competition .
12 If you have any belief in God and a life hereafter ( or whatever other words you may use for that concept ) , then surely that is the one place where there has to be true forgiveness .
13 Choose a product ( eg sportswear ) and say what theme you would use for each month of the year , eg January winter holidays/ski equipment June Wimbledon / tennis outfits
14 It will use local natural gas as a feedstock which it will use for the production of syn-gas , methanol and then petrol .
15 Walking makes you slim , builds cardiovascular fitness , and can develop into a long term habit that you can use for the rest of your life .
16 The model illustrated has the facility to take a heater and a separate thermostat if required , lights and a pump , with a spare terminal which you could use for a power filter .
17 For his improvising and melody line resources Joe draws from much the same scales we saw him use for his harmony .
18 What do you use for test instruments ?
19 How many tracks do you use for one of your multi-track guitar lines ?
20 What guitar do you use for that ?
21 It is no good speaking to a group in a large room with the same amount of voice that you would use for an intimate cosy chat to a friend close by your side .
22 In summary , the most likely material you will use for the kite sail is spinnaker ripstop of 43gm/sq. metre or 65gm/sq. metre grade ( 1.12 or 1.5oz/sq.yd ) , 65 or 100 microns thick .
23 It is the toughest material you can use for spar pockets , and the heavy sailmakers ' webbing , or seatbelt Dacron makes perfect head or nose reinforcements for the stunters .
24 The NCT sessions encouraged everyone to ask ‘ daft ’ questions — the sort that do not seem daft if you do not know the answers — like how do I make up a nappy , how many sterilising tablets do I use for the bottles and what should we buy before the baby is born ?
25 6.5 Each Party shall be entitled at the completion of the Project to require delivery up of all copies of any information originating from it except information which the recipient in each case has a right to retain or use for the purposes of clause [ Exploitation of Results ] .
26 will not attempt to register or use for its own benefit , or aid any third party in attempting to register or use , the Trade Marks or any trade mark the use of which would constitute an infringement of 's Trade Marks .
27 For at about the same time I was approached by the secretary of Edinburgh 's New Club which as a member of Brooks 's Club in London I was entitled to use on a reciprocal basis , and which I did use for lunch perhaps a dozen times a year .
28 Instead , the very word ‘ miniature ’ means that everything should be of a smaller scale than usual , even including the fabric or card that you will use for the backing .
29 It 's a fresh , young style you might use for your first home , or if you want to start anew in your lounge or bedroom .
30 Double jacquard can extend the range of patterns that you can use for ‘ Fair Isle ’ or two-colour work .
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