Example sentences of "thinking that " in BNC.

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1 And what reason does he give for thinking that ?
2 But it was better him thinking that , than finding Lee in the shed .
3 The Jacob of the larger Genesis narrative , his mind full of the dangers of his coming encounter with Esau , and thinking that Esau is already on his way to attack him , must naturally assume at first that his attacker is his brother .
4 But you tend to think that 's what a girl should look like — blonde hair and blue eyes — and then you look in the mirror and you 've got short Afro hair , and that 's when you maybe start thinking that 's the only way to be .
5 But perhaps I 'm going to be proved to be over innocent in thinking that is a viable approach .
6 ‘ I was thinking that responsibility , and maybe guilt , had turned Lachlan Cattanach onto the straight road .
7 Someone from a different culture , or world , visiting our society could be excused for thinking that crime was a basic , ever-present feature of our everyday lives .
8 The artistic approach involves a more intuitive , creative way of thinking that is not always entirely logical , is found more often in the ladies ’ approach and comes with experience .
9 These reflect government thinking that certain aspects of the education service , and thus certain items of expenditure , must be held and controlled centrally .
10 This unfortunate way of thinking that theory is purely speculative leads to a division , not only between the concept of theory and fact , but also between what are called ‘ theorists ’ and what are sometimes called ‘ empiricists ’ , or even simply field workers .
11 In their farm kitchens and workshops you could be forgiven for thinking that time has stood still for 150 years .
12 Nevertheless , On Time is definitely worth reading seriously , because it may indicate a way of thinking that does not totally exclude the question of meaning , not only from the studies of phenomena of the kind discussed here , but also from all sorts of other studies , in such diverse fields as biology , psychology , and human relationships .
13 If the interviewer was merely asking the question without thinking that should present no problem .
14 Do n't be fooled into thinking that familiarity will lead to acceptance — it does not work like that .
15 But nursing could be forgiven for thinking that life — and thus the amount of change it has to cope with — is getting a bit too hectic .
16 ‘ Yes , I 've been thinking that myself . ’
17 YOU 'D be forgiven for thinking that LES AMANTS DU PONT NEUF ( Cert 18 ; W.E. ) — translated it means ‘ Lovers on the Pont Neuf ’ — would be all hearts and flowers .
18 So if I wrote , ‘ The next day was a Fuesday ’ because I hit the wrong key on the typewriter , they used to leave it in , thinking that was what the kids were saying at the time !
19 ‘ Do not leave this hall thinking that with the fall of the Berlin Wall the work of Amnesty has lightened ’ , he told the young delegates .
20 SOME READERS may be forgiven for thinking that aeronautics began with the Wright Brothers .
21 Their importance will undoubtedly be misjudged however if we persist in the error of thinking that perceptual judgements , or those about consciousness , involve the replication of another 's inner experience , human or non-human .
22 When a placement does run into problems , Catherine Macaskill ( 1985b ) has warned us of the dangers of thinking that adoption will solve the problems :
23 It might be expected that the percentage thinking that health had improved since their parents ' time would increase with age .
24 It removes a standard Behaviouralist reason for thinking that science should stick to observables and for presuming that observation can be pure .
25 Mr punch had been in high spirits , too , in the summer of 1856 , thinking that crinoline was a great joke .
26 She said twenty , thinking that must be far too many .
27 Birds nesting close to artificial light are conned into thinking that night is actually day .
28 Not looking back , she strolled along the pavement , thinking that Jasper was sauntering past the police station .
29 She was thinking that rejection brought out the best in Bert .
30 It is in fact a movement : a coming together of teachers whose common conviction it is that teaching up to now has been conducted in far too random and amateurish a fashion , based at best on a kind of inspired guesswork , and that it ought to be possible by putting our minds to it , and applying the sort of thinking that is successful in other fields , to do a better job than before .
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