Example sentences of "none the " in BNC.

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1 So far , the free world has liked him both for having been , and for having ceased to be , a communist of a sort , for the freedoms he seeks in matters of literary form , for the modern inventiveness and manipulation of the literary games he plays , games that none the less commemorate , as he acknowledges , Cervantes , Sterne and Diderot , and for the sexual games which he plays in an age when , as he once put it , sexuality has ceased to be taboo .
2 It is clear enough , none the less , that the hero of that time is like the hero of some other times , including Hamlet 's .
3 It is there in Stanley and the Women , which persuaded Marilyn Butler — somewhat against the odds , but none the less intelligibly — to interpret it in the London Review as a critique of male supremacy , but which has left a very different impression on others .
4 Nevertheless it is an utterance of the Amis who has made himself known on other occasions , and it can be none the worse for being read by those who are able and disposed to pay intelligent attention to this range of information — which is not to imply that the information may not be disastrously misunderstood .
5 None the less , the characterization of catholic — nationalist ideology I have just documented would seem to fly in the face of this sort of evidence .
6 None the less , he wrote , I should not have let her see it .
7 John Searle has compared the computational view of mind to an Englishman who has no understanding of Chinese processing Chinese symbols according to rules which correspond to the grammar of Chinese : what he deals with may be meaningful Chinese sentences , but he is none the wiser .
8 The title alone is enough to show that this piece , if it avoids giving offence in the ways just glanced at , will offend none the less .
9 Indeed , it was something of a typically topsy-turvy but none the less gritty performance from Durie , who missed a match point at 5-3 and then had to wait an hour to complete the encounter after rain fell at the end of the ninth game .
10 The outcome was none the less a climbdown for the government , which was obliged to drop its original plan to outlaw strikes in all sectors of industry for 15 months , amid deep divisions among parliamentarians over the extent of the powers to be granted .
11 The number of applications for judicial review has none the less increased significantly over the past decade .
12 This is an exercise in persuasion , and requires composers who will focus their art on the simple and fundamental act of communication with their enthusiastic but tired , inattentive , restless , distracted and easily bored fellow human beings who none the less long to hear themselves in a not necessarily flattering mirror of music .
13 None the less , the consensus in the General Assembly will give Mr Perez de Cuellar scope to carry on behind-the-scenes negotiations with all sides in the conflict , to agree to a UN peace plan .
14 None the less , there are some aspects to the present acid house craze which distinguish it from its predecessors and which need attention .
15 Though she was a performer of indisputable talent , one was none the less left with a nagging impression that overarching each of her individual characteristics was another role , one she played to the hilt : that of the grande dame , the First Lady of the American cinema , the Duse of the double-feature .
16 It is an abstract art , which we none the less consume as readers rather than as connoisseurs of pure form .
17 Oddly enough , these characteristics were almost wholly lacking in his cleverly designed sets , which were , none the less , imaginative and alluring , and still perfectly in keeping with this lyrical production .
18 If it is , it none the less dates back explicitly to 1961 when he played Littlechap , the Everyman figure who makes it big , in Stop The World — I Want To Get Off at the Queen 's .
19 Hyperbole , perhaps , but this meeting of two of world football 's traditionally strongest sides should none the less prove highly informative .
20 ‘ Little crime ’ calls , what the Metropolitan Police call ‘ beat crime ’ ( Policy Studies Institute 1983b : 35 ) , include a host of infringements and public nuisances , many of which do not come within what the section police define as ‘ real , police work , although some none the less have an intrinsic appeal to ordinary policemen and women .
21 None the less , Easton 's section police believe that crime detection is their primary role , their work place thus being the streets .
22 But it is none the less interesting as a conclusion to this chapter to draw contrasts , albeit impressionistically , with community policing in West Belfast , for this puts Easton 's community policing into sharp relief .
23 None the less , Conservatives who read right-wing papers saw more pro-Conservative bias in these papers than Labour identifiers who read the same set of right-wing papers .
24 None the less , even in that week only 39 per cent of the electorate rated it ‘ extremely important ’ and a mere 7 per cent said it was the main issue that ‘ should be ’ discussed by the parties .
25 None the less , despite these general trends in perceptions there were always some voters who felt the Conservatives were not stressing defence , just as there were always others who felt the Conservatives were stressing defence .
26 None the less there remained deep personal prejudices that affected perceptions of both .
27 Compared to this enormous influence of personal prejudice the influence of the media on economic perceptions was small but none the less significant .
28 None the less those who engaged in frequent political discussions became particularly aware of the Conservative Party 's stress on defence .
29 None the less , there is evidence that the press had a small influence ( Table 8.5 ) .
30 None the less , variations in levels of total system approval were not entirely random .
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