Example sentences of "thirty years " in BNC.

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1 This stance is partly a reaction against what Krauss saw as a dominant position in American criticism , by which ‘ the art of the last hundred and thirty years , the art of modernism , is not being well served by writing that promotes the myths through which it can be consistently misread ’ .
2 These ‘ Jenny-dealings ’ have now , after nearly thirty years , incurred a sequel , in which the discussion , and the former comedy and bleakness , are resumed , and in which the question of continuity of utterance within the novel once again arises .
3 It 's not much use arriving somewhere at ten in the morning clutching the collected works under your arm and wishing you had a wig and been born thirty years earlier in order to play Lear — or for that matter the Duke of Gloucester .
4 This noticeboard had already played a significant part in my life : nearly thirty years before then it had displayed the result of my own first degree ( second-class honours ) ; a few years later had come the perfunctory notice saying my doctoral thesis had been accepted by the college ; and shortly after that an even briefer note to the effect that I had joined the teaching staff .
5 Although I had n't seen her in over thirty years , there was one person in the world who might help me : my sister .
6 ‘ Yup , ’ said Lucy , nearly thirty years on , lighting a cigarette , tossing away a cloud of smoke with the word .
7 Since the busy fencings and ditchings of the previous thirty years , the men who farmed the best land had flourished all the more ; they could afford the rents for the greater acreage under the plough .
8 He just went on saying in a shocked way , as if he had lost his mind , ‘ You 're twenty-five , thirty years old ?
9 I am thirty years old and have lived in this country for twenty-one years .
10 After nearly thirty years , the first AC electric Co-Co locomotive arrived in 1986 in the shape of the prototype 5,850hp , 125mph Class 89 , built under contract by BREL Crewe with electrical gear by Brush Traction .
11 In one curious case , Cornish services inherited the units delivered there thirty years previously !
12 Now almost thirty years old , and arguably BR 's best-ever buys , the Mark 1 based Class 309 ‘ Clacton ’ units , continued their relentless treks across the Essex countryside , now with new seating , a new livery , and with the extension of wires to Ipswich and Norwich , the chance to break out of their traditional operational straitjacket .
13 I have already remarked on the different situation thirty years ago , when criticism still occupied a traditional place as part of public discourse , and the first books of a distinguished generation of British critics — Bayley , Davie , Hoggart , Kermode , Wain , Williams — were reviewed in the daily and weekly press .
14 Thirty years on , English is a large and entrenched subject , and there is no likelihood of putting the clock back , and starting again in some other way : my proposal for a division between Cultural Studies and a degree in poetry is a pragmatic proposal for a way out of current difficulties .
15 It is impossible to recognize in the poet thus characterized — ‘ precious ’ , ‘ insulate ’ , ‘ toylike ’ — the William Carlos Williams whom American opinon over the last thirty years has promoted as a respectable , and better than respectable , counterweight to Eliot .
16 At that time hardly anyone but Winters would have named Williams in the same breath as Eliot , and it is characteristic of Winters 's perversity ( or his independence ) that thirty years later , when it had become usual to set Williams up against Eliot , Winters 's opinion of Williams had long been much less favourable .
17 But the damage had been done , and Wilson 's elevation of Eliot at Pound 's expense was to be Echoed time and again for at least thirty years , and indeed is still to be heard even today .
18 Pound 's disparagement of Milton , for instance , was , I am convinced , most salutary twenty and thirty years ago ; I still agree with him against the academic admirers of Milton ; though to me it seems that the situation has changed .
19 In Eliot 's view , the circumstances have changed so greatly over thirty years since 1924 that what was rightly said of Milton in that year can not rightly be said of him in 1954 .
20 Thirty years since Asterix came to life , sales of the books — 28 so far — have topped 180 million ( Asterix 's magic potion for superhuman strength enables them all to speak in 29 languages ) .
21 Beyond aspects of redistribution , almost all classes of the community showed a picture of greater affluence and comfort over the past thirty years .
22 If the Plowden Committee had referred therefore to ‘ the social changes of the last thirty years ’ instead of fifteen , they would have been guilty of no inaccuracy .
23 Those thirty years span some of the sharpest changes of trend in modern history , from persistent deflation , for instance , to persistent inflation , or from unemployment averaging 10 per cent to unemployment averaging 2 per cent , as well as a rise of at least one-third in national income per head .
24 Can we catch up , by a little clairvoyance , on the persistent tendency of state provision to come thirty years late ?
25 Weirdly , but by a traceable line of descent through Unionism and Socialism , almost the same accents recur after thirty years : ‘ With the vast imperial resources which are the heritage of this country , the problems of poverty and want can easily be solved by a government empowered by the people to carry out their will .
26 The title ‘ Head of the Commonwealth ’ , against which from the government benches I registered a lone protest upon the second reading of the Royal Titles Bill in March 1953 , enshrines a paradox which thirty years ago two countries in particular conspired for their own purposes to ignore : India , in order to become a republic while forfeiting none of the privileges which allegiance had conferred , and Britain , in order to feed its delusion that the Empire was being transformed into something brighter and better still .
27 Thirty years of contention and legislation have been powerless to prevent or reverse them .
28 After thirty years the memory which abides with me of the Suez episode that began with Egypt 's nationalisation of the Canal on 26 July 1956 is of complete bewilderment and the sense of watching an unintelligible drama It was not surprise that Egypt had appropriated the Canal .
29 Dawson 's first book , The Age of the Gods ( 1928 ) , subtitled A Study in the Origins of Culture in Prehistoric Europe and the Ancient East , began by noting that ‘ During the last thirty years the great development of archaeological and anthropological studies has prepared the way for a new conception of history . ’
30 For me , movies and play were enmeshed during childhood , a certain cinema and its environs being both stimulus and setting for my juvenile adventures to the extent that , thirty years later , its contours and hidey holes still haunt my dreams .
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