Example sentences of "workers [unc] " in BNC.

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1 BNP140 Awami League84 Jatiya Party35 Jamaat-i-Islami18 Bangladesh Communist Party5 Bangladesh Krishak Sramik4 Islami Oikya Jote1 Ganotantrik Party1 Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal ( Shahjahan Siraj ) 1 Bangladesh Workers Party1 National Awami Party ( Muzaffar ) 1 Independents3
2 In December 1991 the prevalence of HIV infection in different groups remained high : intravenous drug users 34% , brothel sex workers ( local users ) 22% , higher class ( tourist ) sex workers 5.5% , male patients of sexually transmitted diseases clinics 5.6% , pregnant women 0.67% , blood donors 0.8% .
3 Er how did you find them as workers e in given that there were n't many women at that time er in
4 Always , that we now could of , do with one or two suitable workers er there were problems throughout trade .
5 There 's any amount of farmers , farm workers er , going sick because of this dip , there was last year .
6 Erm and there were two very profound reasons for that , one was the decline in employment in southern agriculture , the increasing mechanization of agriculture displacing er millions of er agricultural workers er and the second and more important factor was that the southern states provide almost nothing in the way of social provision and certainly nothing for black people er whereas the northern states were much more generous .
7 No , no compensation as such , there are opportunities occasionally for landowners to ask that er one of the houses might for example be used for one of their own workers er when that worker retires , that type of thing .
8 Erm within the limits of his repertoire he 'll shift his accent down towards that that of the workers erm shows them cooperation and that 's known as a downward convergence .
9 I mean now , the erm the social workers erm are care managers in a lot of cases , in other words it may be contracted out to somebody else to do the actual caring and you look at the package which the client is getting , you know it might be I du n no some old dear who needs meals on wheels and visits every week or something
10 Erm , I 'm , I do n't know to what degree the specific er cases for development workers erm , and indeed the extra funding for Thamesdown fit into our corporate responsibilities , because we have n't phrased them yet , and we have n't seen the report .
11 There 's a very old study by Walker and Guest nineteen fifty-two and I think you might find the findings may reflect the fifties quite a lot , found that seventy percent of assembly line workers erm initiated upwards communication .
12 Round the corner was Dixon 's Blazes , a blast furnace , and the Workers ' Circle , where dreams of socialist emancipation were debated — dreams which were soon to fade for Glasser .
13 The Workers ' Party still fails to command many votes in elections north or south of the border .
14 One of these was James Larkin 's Irish Transport and General Workers ' Union , the ITGWU .
15 Of the smaller parties , the Workers ' Party was the most decisive in favouring the change .
16 The fact that a prominent member of the current community council and an integrated education supporter was a member of official Sinn Fein , the Workers ' party , appeared to figure in the reasoning , as this party has always been suspected to be an anti-clerical and secularist force .
17 Mr Scargill 's election to Parliament would acutely embarrass Mr Kinnock , but would pave the way for the NUM 's merger with the Transport and General Workers ' Union .
18 The Transport and General Workers ' Union , which has the largest block vote ( 1.3m ) , is abstaining .
19 The red silk skirt with workers ' heads and a gold top that goes with it , both cut from silk bought in Soviet Central Asia , would cost about 1,000 roubles ( the average Soviet wage is 200 roubles a month ) or £700 in London .
20 Ron Todd , the general secretary of the transport workers ' union , said that today 's vote on the multilaterist nuclear defence policy would not yield the ‘ massive and overwhelming ’ majority predicted by right-wingers , and he warned that party leaders could not expect everybody to ‘ goose-step ’ in the same direction once the policy had been carried .
21 LABOUR 'S policy review was a symbol of the party renewing itself and becoming again a force for change , Tom Sawyer , deputy general secretary of Nupe , the public sector workers ' union , said at the start of four days of debate on the review reports .
22 Supporting the leadership , Garfield Davies , general secretary of the shop workers ' union Usdaw , said delegates should not forget the objective was to create a nuclear-free world , not just a nuclear-free Britain .
23 Ron Todd , Transport and General Workers ' Union general secretary , was applauded as he reaffirmed his union 's commitment to unilateralism .
24 Last night , speaking in Brighton , Jack Adams , a national officer of the transport workers ' union , said directors had warned that , although they had no plans to shut Dagenham , employees themselves could close it if their work record did not improve .
25 That much of the population could not see the superiority of their society did not deter them : a workers ' uprising was crushed , the Wall was built , travel was extremely limited , all criticism rigorously suppressed .
26 WITH ITS power and prestige slipping away and its leaders calling desperately for unity , 72 per cent of Polish Communists have voted to find a new name for their party , the Polish United Workers ' Party .
27 At the same time , there are reports that workers ' militias had been used to cordon off streets during the demonstration in Leipzig on Monday night when some 10,000 people marched through the streets chanting ‘ Gorby , Gorby ’ and calling for the legalisation of the opposition group New Forum .
28 Workers ' militias — factory workers who are supposed to defend the Socialist system against its enemies — are reportedly also being trained in various parts of the country to control demonstrations and arrest supporters of the opposition .
29 Or , in the case of the GMB general workers ' union , backing an alternative federal grouping of ethnic minority organisations .
30 The miners ' strike in July showed how quickly workers ' discontent can erupt , take organised and radical form , and acquire leaders .
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