Example sentences of "bad example " in BNC.

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1 Ramsey made a speech which disconcerted the managers of the conference , who thought it a bad example of English insularity .
2 Think of the bad example you are to anyone on the list for surgery .
3 Yet they reckon it could set a bad example elsewhere in Eastern Europe ( Czechoslovakia ) as well as in bigger , more important places ( India and , when their worries turn that way , the Soviet Union ) .
4 ‘ Oh livid , You 're setting a bad example to the troops , apparently . ’
5 Because he was well respected , many others followed his bad example .
6 His comment shows , say his critics , that Chapman 's aim was to defend that point at all costs — he was thus a defensive-minded manager who set a bad example for football .
7 In expressing as much bad temper as he does , you are offering a bad example for him to imitate .
8 Davie Cooper , the Rangers and Motherwell winger once told the press he was a bad example for young players to follow : he spent too much time in the bookies .
9 ‘ That scoundrel sets a bad example for the other young men of the parish .
10 When a leader in the Independent accuses Freddie Mercury of being a bad example because of homosexual acts committed in strictly guarded privacy before he realised he was at risk , it is using science as a screen for unexamined prejudice .
11 Setting a bad example
12 ‘ It makes a bad example for the others . ’
13 ‘ Getting a job ’ is a bad example of a reward , because you do not have total control over it-it is in the hands of the employer .
14 This sets a bad example to teenagers , many of whom are overweight and eat too much junk food .
15 It would be a very bad example not only to Czech society , but also to the wider art community ’ .
16 The rebel or traitor was a destabilising influence , whose bad example might tempt others to emulate him .
17 The fate laid up for such a man is revealed by the story of Alderman Reed of London , who , ‘ upon a disobedient stomach ’ , refused to pay and gave a bad example to his fellow citizens .
18 Yes okay then use , use a bad , use a bad example , yes did you see Terminator when Arnold Schwarzeneger walks into the shop , yeah ?
19 Further , both Conservative and Labour Governments have sought to restrict increases in MPs ' pay so that Parliament does not give a bad example to the country and encourage more inflation .
20 At the moment we are in a situation where you can get an extremely good example like the O'Reillys and you can get an extremely bad example and there is no way of regulating which you end up with .
22 Quite apart from anything else , it sets such a bad example . ’
23 But the master 's behaviour was a bad example for Catherine and Heathcliff .
24 I 'm probably a bad example , I 'm what you 're wanting to find out .
25 UK drinks tax policy sets a bad example to our export markets .
26 Although clearly one can sympathise with Lear one can not expect anything else of the two sisters when they are shown such a bad example of love from their father in his dealings with Cordelia .
27 He throws me out anyway , a bad influence , a bad example , coming from the kind of home I did , I should know better , I 'd been given every chance .
28 And the headmaster taking me on stage and showing everybody what a bad example I was , because I had shoes like crocodiles .
29 Please do not ply me with biscuits ; I have no desire to set you a bad example by pigging myself . ’
30 I certainly agree with my hon. Friend that we need to pursue those who do not pay the community charge and , in particular , we should pursue those Members of the House who do not pay the community charge and set a bad example to everyone else .
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