Example sentences of "left [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 President Bush 's recent pronouncements on what is just and moral during the Gulf war left me feeling empty and bitter .
2 Which is not to say , he wrote , that the present project has any value over and above the others , mine and those of everyone else , I have been into the question of value already and will not return to it now , has any value or that its outcome has any value , I have to repeat this , simply that now , for me , today , after the things I have done and given the time left me , it is the most important thing , it is what , from the time I first picked up a pencil and made a mark on a piece of paper , everything has logically led up to .
3 I told him all that left me cold .
4 Inventing farfetched excuses , she left me trapped in her flat and made no attempt to help me look for work .
5 He left me , with a kind of valediction ,
6 Tony offered to walk back towards the vehicle , now a long way off , and left me to think about it all .
7 This left me staggered as well as very satisfied .
8 Once my husband left me and went back to his ex-wife .
9 They left me at school , Mum and Dad and Annie .
10 Dad patted me on the head and Mum gives me this little kiss on the cheek and then they went off and left me with this old woman .
11 Mum kept calling her ‘ sister ’ , but she was n't my sister — Annie was and I did n't want to stay there , but they went off and left me .
12 That , to get gloomy , left me brooding on two other things .
13 Myself and Parco Polo seeks meaning in what it does to us , and it left me thinking that the late Italo Calvino has a lot to answer for .
14 Once a lady aid a daughter , remote cousins or friends of friends , came , and the girl left me with a yearning heart for some days and a curiosity for years like my curiosity about the lost childish books .
15 So far so good — but this still left me with what was to prove the most controversial part of the whole social security review .
16 Each fevered quest for a true love left me more adrift than ever .
17 If Dana left me , I knew I would never love anyone again — or at least , not in the same way , with the same intensity .
18 But as always I was wary of contradicting him , not wanting to antagonize him by even the slightest show of disagreement in case he left me .
19 She must have sensed that one day I would be leaving her again , and that nearly broke my heart , knowing the sadness she must feel all too well in my experiences with lovers who never stayed long but left me feeling as if part of me had been torn from my body .
20 ft was said as a joke , and Dana and I laughed , but it left me frightened .
21 ‘ You left me to cope with this alone , ’ Ari said accusingly .
22 It continued from one in the morning till half past five , and left me pale and fainting .
23 Has all charity , all true compassion , left me , Wilson wondered ?
24 My first natural impulse was to shout , to get help from whoever had come : and between intention and voice a whole stream of thoughts suddenly intruded and left me silent , open-mouthed to call out but unsure of the wisdom .
25 Not that , probably , I would have found much in common with Kington Aimes , the humorous novelist , or Douglas Parkin , the Northern poet , or the two left-wing critics , but the dearth of English tones left me feeling even more culturally isolated than usual .
26 ‘ And she left me to work it out .
27 It left me cool to lamentations here about underfunding of our National Health Service or the shortcomings of our colossal welfariat .
28 Climbing the 60 , narrow , twisting steps from the nave to the ringing chamber left me worn out — but when I staggered through the door the chamber was packed .
29 PEREGRINE Worsthorne ( April 5 ) left me in despair .
30 There he left me .
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