Example sentences of "higher [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The higher skin damage measurement in the lower layer indicates that loss circulation material possibly was stuck in the producing rock , a condition that might have been caused by initial drilling operating practices , says Chris Drysdale , Well Evaluation group leader .
2 Kelsen further holds , in one of his most mysterious doctrines , that the primacy of the principle of delegation means that even a determination outside the frame is valid and binding unless and until set aside by a higher decision .
3 In this case , if the Altimeter is correct , then do n't use the glide path , continue the descent at the planned rate , but use a higher decision height .
4 The scholarship is open to those aged 21–30 with Wine and Spirit Higher Certificate or equivalent and who have been in full-time employment in the catering industry for at least two years or have experience of direct sales in on-licensed premises .
5 Indeed , even going into a war was a welcome escape from my poorish Higher Certificate results .
6 She gained the best School Certificate results at her school in Norfolk and went on to take science subjects for Higher Certificate .
7 The Wine and Spirit Education Trust runs trade Certificate , Higher Certificate and Diploma wine courses , which are now open to consumers .
8 Students who obtained a C1 Certificate and who did not wish to enter employment immediately should be able to undertake further studies ; in some instances , this might be a Diploma in Art and Design course , but in most cases it would lead to a Higher Certificate of the validating body .
9 DATEC issued its first major proposals in June 1978 which stated that students would be studying for awards conforming to the existing TEC pattern of Certificate , Higher Certificate , Diploma and Higher Diploma via any mode of study .
10 For various reasons , DATEC decided that , with one exception , no college proposals would be validated for Higher Certificate and Higher Diploma courses which would allow a start before September 1982 ; as a consequence , there are at present relatively small numbers of students on these courses .
11 In 1979 , there were about 240 students on TEC Certificate and Diploma programmes and this number has now risen very considerably ; in addition , Higher Certificate and Diploma courses are now in operation .
12 Thresher also offers in-house and open learning course-based activities to all its managers in order that they can study for the Wine and Spirit Education Trust Higher Certificate , which is a product knowledge-based certificate .
13 To achieve that , the Council defended the historical role of the higher certificate , of the English ‘ A ’ level system .
14 Some of the newer boots achieve a much higher resistance to water penetration by altering the surface chemistry of the leather , making it hydrophobic ( water hating ) .
15 Interestingly , rats fed a linoleic or eicosapentaenoic supplemented diet after pretreatment with HCl developed significantly higher resistance to acid than those fed the diet with oelic acid ( p<0.05 ) .
16 Unless you do it every day at your particular gliding site , you are certain to misjudge such a landing , besides having the hazards of the higher touchdown speeds and loss of control during the ground run to contend with .
17 In 1912 Edison introduced the compatible ‘ Blue Amberol ’ records made of an even tougher plastic ; and it is generally accepted that Blue Amberols had a better , higher fidelity performance than any other medium before the First World War .
18 Although simple , the circuit is capable of giving far higher fidelity than many standard power amplifiers on the market and substantially better than would be obtained from the headphone socket of a standard power amp .
19 Like all the maidens , in all the stories , half seduced and half petrified , she consented to Fenna 's plans and he swept her high on his great wings and bore her away over the roofs of London and higher and higher cavorting and caracolling through the star-spun night .
20 Ziboh et al ( 1979 ) also found that diabetics with complications had higher platelet thromboxane generation than diabetics without complications .
21 On the other hand , an alternative theory put forward by R. Hagedorn of CERN , the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva , argues that there is an infinite number of elementary particles of higher and higher mass .
22 She found it easy : to begin with , she found everything easy , as her memory for facts was remarkable , and it was only as she grew older that she began to notice in herself slight doubts about her ability to pursue higher physics and mathematics .
23 The ANC and its allies modified earlier demands for a two-thirds majority , proposing a 70 per cent majority for most decisions but conceding a higher majority , of 75 per cent , for a bill of rights .
24 In previous decades a similar swing would have produced a much higher majority .
25 The Lancet had a steeper fall from six to seven authors , perhaps because they published a smaller proportion of large group studies ( and hence had a higher modal ‘ 6 ’ value ) than NEJM .
26 It 's very good quality , erm yeah , I think it 's , it 's it 's , the quality of it is good enough to put it up for , i in the sort of higher echelon of marks .
27 I 'm equally confident that the higher direction of MI5 and those operating today do not have anything to do with this , nor have they done so at any time .
28 The CCO 's position underwent a fundamental change in March 1942 when Lord Mountbatten ‘ was made an Acting Vice-Admiral , an Honorary Lieutenant-General , an Honorary Air Marshal , with a seat on the Chiefs of Staff Committee itself , and was thus one of the four military leaders in charge of the higher direction of the War as a whole and in my case Combined Operations in particular ’ — to quote Lord Mountbatten .
29 According to Marx 's theory the many different units were willing to unite and contribute their labour to work for the despot because this appeared , not as working for him , but as working for ‘ the higher unity ’ , which , they wrongly believed , was the source of their continued existence .
30 On each level alternatives are transformed into compatible aspects of an all-inclusive Christian discourse which absorbs differences into a higher unity .
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