Example sentences of "herself down " in BNC.

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1 Deliberately she sat herself down at her desk and examined her post .
2 Scarcely pausing for thought , she sat herself down at the keyboard and , without so much as a sheet of music to look at , launched into Rachmaninov 's Second Piano Concerto , blushing deeply to the round of spontaneous applause .
3 She swung herself down from the back door and went round to the front steps of the kiosk .
4 Gradually , she calmed herself down .
5 Out there she would be able to calm herself down .
6 Gazzer watched her lower herself down from the top of the gates and edge out on one of the beams .
7 When she puts herself down , we can accept her .
8 Hatchet-faced , tough as the city 's granite , Yevdoxia plumped herself down at Anna 's side .
9 Her sister Gabrielle Garsin , who had lived with Eugenia and the family when Dedo was a child , had committed suicide that year by throwing herself down a steep flight of stairs .
10 Rising from the toilet , she pulls the nightdress over her head and steps into the bath , not first pulling the chain of the toilet because that would affect the temperature of the water coming through the showerhead on the end of its flexible tube , with which she now hoses herself down .
11 As she flung herself down to clasp his knees he stood rigid .
12 Big Momma settled herself down on the ceiling of the bathroom in number 31 , St George 's Road , Solihull , Birmingham , England .
13 Mrs Tilling viewed the proceedings with some misgivings , but sat herself down gingerly on the edge of the seat .
14 He grunted by way of greeting as the fat widow dumped herself down on the other chair , but did not raise his eyes from his reading .
15 She said she had not wanted to die but that she had taken the tablets to calm herself down in order to get some sleep .
16 Choosing a chair with its back to the front door and Bennett 's look-out post , Kelly sat herself down .
17 He felt the moistness , felt the narrow aperture , then slowly , her eyes never leaving his , she lowered herself down as if she were impaling herself on his flesh .
18 With her heart thumping so hard that her ears were deaf to any other sounds , Sarah hurled herself down into the dip .
19 By the time she was ten years old the nearest she came to having a bath was to stand on the bathmat and sponge herself down .
20 Perdita cried unashamedly after they left , fleeing to her bare room and hurling herself down on the pink counterpane .
21 She was surprised and sat herself down more carefully than was necessary on the stone seating .
22 In spite of having sponged herself down in cold water to close the pores , and liberally applied powdered chalk to absorb the perspiration , she could feel the rivulets of sweat running down her back and the insides of her thighs .
23 Rather than wake him by pulling the clothes off him and having to face the likely consequences , Mrs Stych put her housecoat over her nightgown , got a spare blanket out of her old hope chest , and eased herself down beside the chrysalis which was her husband .
24 Breathlessly she flung herself down on the window seat .
25 She smiled and winked at Marco — all this in an instant after the flare exploded and before she threw herself down , arms and legs spread wide , at the shrieking Perks below .
26 Neither of them now took notice of Aggie 's returning to the room and seating herself down on the leather couch .
27 She pointed to the couch , and when Millie was seated she lowered herself down beside her and , taking her hands , said , ‘ You 're frightened of that man are n't you ? ’
28 Dolly limped to the bed and flung herself down on it , stifling hysteria .
29 Tina would have plumped herself down in the nearest seat even if this had been next to a passenger but Cecilia , conforming to usage , sat in the emptiest area of the coach , on the platform side with her back to the window .
30 " Oh Alice , " cried Mary , " Oh Alice , " squealed Reggie , and they sounded admonishing , petulant , reproachful , and Alice fell , rolled to the trapdoor edge , caught its edges with her strong hands , swung herself down , to land on her feet by Mary , by Reggie , laughing and pointing at them , " If you could see yourselves , if you could just see …
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