Example sentences of "herself out " in BNC.

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1 Maggie stood up , shot the bolt and let herself out .
2 ‘ I 'm helping to set out the stalls for the hospital bazaar — should be back about midday , ’ she called , as she let herself out of the house .
3 She would have to drag herself out of her lethargy and write .
4 Determined to write herself out of her poverty , Buchi Emecheta launched herself on the book world with an autobiographical account of life in London for a young Nigerian single parent .
5 Emecheta determined then that she would write herself out of her poverty .
6 Even as she spoke , a ferocious-looking lady with grey hair and a dicky hip was hoisting herself out of her chair and charging towards me .
7 She had forced herself out of bed especially early , without waking Oz , just so that she could have a spare half-hour or so to take a walk up Back Clough Dale .
8 Then she let herself out of the door and walked through the yard , muttering quietly to Ferry , so that he would know who it was .
9 Later , walking along the prom in the deep silence of that foggy early morning , she tried to taunt herself out of her depression : ‘ You never learn , do you ?
10 If you persisted in trying to talk to her , she would heave herself out of her chair and turn up the volume to a decibel level that made your ears ache .
11 It is very important to go to the mikva on time , and the woman who puts herself out and goes to the mikva even when it is not convenient to go , is commended by the rabbis in Jewish literature .
12 She pulled herself back together again , and hauled herself out of the cubicle to make full use of the facilities .
13 The single door beside her slid open , and she pushed herself out of the carriage .
14 In the hall she wraps a long scarf round her neck and puts on a cream-coloured quilted cotton jacket , with wide shoulders and inset sleeves , and lets herself out by the front door .
15 After all , if the University was n't going to keep her on ( Swallow 's request had come , rather tactlessly , later in the very same day on which he had communicated this gloomy prognosis ) why should she put herself out to oblige the University ?
16 ‘ You 'll only need them for your school work , ’ her mother reassured her , also trying to talk herself out of her own dismay .
17 She had no energy to swim in the water and pull herself out on the small strip of toilet paper left from the last flushing of the toilet .
18 With this comforting thought Henry rang the doorbell , hard , and watched his wife heave herself out of the chair and stump through to the hall .
19 She got up from the table and poured herself out a glass of water , and then sat down again .
20 She swung herself out onto the snow-wet pavement , hauling her bags after her .
21 She eased herself out of Nick 's embrace and he did not stir .
22 She eased herself out from under the duvet , reaching for her heavy wool man 's dressing gown and tying it firmly around her , crossed to the window .
23 When Vera Czermak found that her husband had been unfaithful , her first thought was to throw herself out of the window of their third-floor flat in Prague and put an end to her misery .
24 Once more she tries to force herself out of passively accepting an alienating situation out of terror .
25 Miss Jarman was heaving herself out of the carriage with the help of the crabbed old driver ; marching up the steps and rapping on the front door shouting :
26 In fact , she soon found herself out of a job . ’
27 When she pulled herself out of bed and went to the bathroom , instructing me not to look at the sketch , I got the chance to examine it .
28 If she reacts in this way , it will be best not to try to interfere or worry about her tiring herself out with too much activity , as this may be even more disturbing for her .
29 Next moment Perdita , streaking down the field , had thrown herself out of the saddle and clinging with her left hand round Hermia 's damp hot neck , hooked Randy as the final bell tolled for South Sussex .
30 The train pulled in at her station and Lee got herself out into the street , touching too many people , climbing ugly grey stairs , looking at posters advertising Tampax , warning about Aids , promising relief in the Bahamas , selling newspapers , selling theatre tickets , selling life , she thought , but it ca n't be bought , not really , it 's within .
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