Example sentences of "herself in " in BNC.

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1 Annie left him , and then , pregnant , offered herself in order to saddle him with someone else 's child — and this when he had just received a telegram awarding him a scholarship to Oxford .
2 Herself in tears .
3 ‘ Picked by Cook herself in the kitchen garden , ’ said Inspector Milsom with evident approval .
4 The screening will follow a Guardian Talk with Lynda La Plante , one of the few women to have established herself in television drama as a writer .
5 But galvanised herself in the heat to tease away Lucy 's shirt , work her jeans loose , kneaded her stomach , breathe fire into her breasts .
6 She held out her arms and spread her fingers gracefully , pleasuring herself in Donald 's admiration .
7 Why should this presentable , able-bodied girl who seemed so willing and meticulous in carrying out her chores , find herself in such a hopeless position ?
8 The judge added : ‘ This girl plainly trusted herself in your company , as she was entitled to .
9 She has busied herself in the promotion of senior civil servants ( looking for people with energy and commitment ) and regularly badgered departments about progress on particular policies — ‘ like a dog after a bone ’ an adviser claims .
10 Her significance as Prime Minister is that she has set an example ; by pushing to the outer limits of her authority , making decisions with small groups of ministers and advisers , and closely involving herself in Whitehall promotions and the policies of departments , ‘ the repertoire of Prime Ministerial tasks has been extended ’ .
11 Two blocks away from the house of her childhood it suddenly occurred to her that her mother might have left , that there might be strangers in the hallway , a different set of curtains hanging at the windows ; her father 's study might have been turned into a playroom for a new generation of North Oxford children , so different from herself in her prim Clark 's T-bar sandals that she would not be able to recognise her own infancy in theirs .
12 At first , after their early fights , Phoebe would work on making peace , leave the women to be with him , offer herself in ever more elaborate rituals , but after a while repetition made this boring .
13 She had found herself in the safe nook between Fenna 's sail-like wing and the crenellated and fantastic fortress of his spine .
14 Seconds later she shoulder-charged the door , and found herself in an eerie moonlit room where she could distinguish nothing , except the deafening howls which seemed to reverberate off the walls .
15 There the lucky ones among us were allowed half-way up the steps before being halted and held in position for twenty minutes while , I assume , the stewardess disentangled herself from more pressing engagements and tidied herself in readiness .
16 Sheila looked at herself in her handbag mirror .
17 It is , or should be , an hour in which the pupil gradually comes to learn to defend himself or herself in argument , to have confidence in his or her own prose style , to grow up intellectually .
18 The new Eve momentarily wants to be a tragedy queen ; for a few flickering instants , she wants to be like almost ali the characters in literature whom we find most beguiling — Cleopatra , Anna Karenin , Madame Bovary , Eve herself in Paradise Lost — a figure who has risked everything for the sake of une grande passion .
19 For while your granny may have been content to envelope herself in a cloud of ‘ Tweed ’ each and every morning of her life — never daring to deviate from her ‘ trademark ’ perfume for so much as tea with the vicar — most of us , today , possess a positive wardrobe of perfumes to play with .
20 She has a tendency to hug herself tightly when grappling with a question , and at one point , when I asked her how she saw herself in the future , grown up and faced with decisions about her own children , she panicked for an instant and had to be consoled by the female interpreter .
21 The troubled programme has been bedevilled by the tardiness of some countries in implementing the 278 proposals required to remove all internal frontiers to business , and Mrs Thatcher found herself in the slightly unusual position of being praised by Mr Jacques Delors , the president of the European Commission , for being in the vanguard of the reform process .
22 She had already found herself in isolation over progress to monetary union and the endorsement of a social charter of workers ' rights , and it became clear that the new European Community order would be built on an even closer alliance of France and West Germany .
23 Penelope , however , it had to be acknowledged , had made no attempt to rise above the blow she had been dealt by finding a dazzling girl of her own age favoured over herself in her uncle 's will .
24 Jennifer Morgan came into the hall ; she had been crying and was looking white , but had herself in hand .
25 Closer collaboration with the United States would reduce costs in weapon development , and enable Britain to be more selective in the projects she chose to pursue by herself in order to maintain the greatest measure of national independence .
26 Above all she sought — and hoped — to prepare herself in every way for modern motherhood , free of the restrictions that had marked her own unhappy upbringing .
27 She wished to offer herself in complete love , without demanding in return any limit to his interest in other people .
28 Liz Taylor 's courage in playing a woman older and ( then ) fatter than herself in Who 's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? ( 1966 ) was enough in itself to win her an Oscar .
29 After all , she told herself in extenuation , this was the first thing she had ever done to please herself … but , said a small voice — ‘ but ’ is surely the most miserable little word in the English language — but … they had n't asked to come into this vale of tears … .
30 Her smile , as she gazed into the camera , was wry and mocking , as though it amused her to find herself in the traditional pose of a mother .
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