Example sentences of "herself as " in BNC.

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1 With no escape route , Belinda was forced to take a long , hard look at herself , re-evaluating expectations for herself as well as Sophie .
2 She was born Katharine Appleton in Gravesend in 1948 into a diplomatic family , and remembers herself as ‘ the girl on the reception line ’ at dull diplomatic occasions in various European embassies while her father carried out his duties as an air attache .
3 She saw herself as providing the political resolution that had been lacking hitherto .
4 Just time for a cup of coffee , she thinks , but she will have to make it herself as the office is short staffed , with the Corporal Clerk away representing the Corps at the celebrations to mark the tenth anniversary of the Queen Mother being appointed Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports .
5 Describing herself as something of a ‘ social victim ’ , she has temporarily torn herself away from urban distractions in favour of time and space at a ‘ country abode ’ , where she is working on material for a second album , due in November .
6 Deborah is confident and outspoken and had mentioned to me that she felt her sense of herself as ‘ not bad-looking ’ , and her lack of any real anxieties about her weight or body was largely due to her mother .
7 She describes herself as ‘ big and strong ’ , even though she readily admits she probably is n't actually that big — that 's just the way she feels about herself , the way she feels she has to be .
8 Freya , like many other girls who wrote to me , mentions her low opinion of herself as leading to , or contributing to , her anorexia .
9 Over and over she asked the questions and became so demented by them that , though she trembled with indignation , she once more went into the Casa Guidi and , controlling herself as best she could , asked to see her old mistress .
10 Once , she had thought of herself as so English that however happy she was abroad and even if married to an Italian she would always one day gravitate home .
11 It is regrettable , Elisabeth observed to herself as she climbed through the dunes , that clever men do not always make consoling company .
12 She regarded herself as having been battered by uncontrollable forces , washed up in hostile , foreign waters against jagged rocks .
13 Emma is the kind of fictitious Englishwoman who always refers to herself as ‘ one ’ and views the world with social and intellectual hauteur .
14 Obviously , that was not the case but it may be that Viola was so used to people thinking like that about her that she felt a need to assert herself as well .
15 Trent felt her retreat further inside herself as he shouted through the organ howl , ‘ There 's a chance we can make our way upriver . ’
16 Leapor sees such a woman degrading herself as a miser :
17 Insofar as Leapor presents herself as genuinely ugly , she has a chance to confound the gentleman 's expectation that a gifted writer will also have a charming appearance .
18 Maggie braced herself as he reached for the top of the blanket , which he then drew down to reveal a corpse 's face .
19 No doubt she 'd soon get used to it she told herself as she followed Kerly down a metal spiral staircase .
20 She herself was British , in fact , but having spent several years as a graduate student in California , where she had been converted to radical feminism , she now thought of herself as spiritually an American , and tried as far as possible to speak like one .
21 Tears came again to Franca 's eyes , strange tears , tears for everything , for herself as everything , tears out of the terrible cloud of hope and fear that hangs over all things .
22 The woman , who had decided that she should drive during the morning and he in the afternoon , hummed softly to herself as she drove east along the coast .
23 What sort of market does she see herself as writing for ?
24 So on gaining the top , where the walkers are tucking into their second pork pie , the rock-climber needs some way to distinguish him or herself as greatly superior .
25 Liam was n't sure , but he had the feeling Nellie was beginning to take an interest , and was even enjoying herself as they sat in the bus .
26 Jenny went to school at a tiny schoolhouse in the dale attended mostly by farmers ' children , but out of school she had no one at all to play with , so she had to amuse herself as best she could .
27 She does not base her decisions solely on the consensus of the group or the individual child 's desires , but also does not regard herself as infallible or divinely inspired .
28 If the clinical teacher sees her role as a trainer developing competence then objectives can be applied ; but if she sees herself as providing something more than this , perhaps aiding and encouraging the development of the nurse as an autonomous person within the context of nursing , then she will go beyond the stage where objectives can be applied .
29 A ward sister may perceive the student who spends a lot of time chatting to a particular patient as wasting her time when there is work to do , whilst the student may see herself as legitimately practising her ‘ social interaction skills ’ , and attending to the psychological needs of the patient .
30 However , the concert party folded before we had had more than a few ragged rehearsals , mainly because Bob 's girlfriend , a tall , bossy Waaf who fancied herself as another Vera Lynn , suddenly went all narrow-minded and decreed that if there was to be a chorus line , we were not to show our legs but to wear slacks .
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