Example sentences of "herself [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In 1945 Ramsey became its Secretary and because of her past experiences was able to throw herself wholeheartedly into the work .
2 Accepting enthusiastically the school 's principles of unsectarianism , coeducation up to the age of eleven , mixing middle- and artisan-class children , and making lessons short and pleasurable , she threw herself wholeheartedly into the teaching until forced to resign through ill health .
3 ‘ Mother of God in heaven , ’ Caterina muttered , ‘ I give up , ’ and she swung herself crossly onto the floor .
4 Oh , really , she told herself crossly , you 're becoming mawkish !
5 Of course it 's his ! she told herself crossly , after a moment .
6 Rubbish , she told herself crossly , this was just the shyness resulting from that stupid dream .
7 He 's got a nerve to make such comments , Lucy told herself crossly .
8 She was n't normally afraid of thunderstorms , she chided herself crossly , as alarm pulsed through her body .
9 She uttered a muted cry of despair , and plucked herself furiously backward out of his grasp .
10 She spoke the word aloud as she turned off the water and began rubbing herself furiously with a towel .
11 Damn ! ’ she muttered to herself furiously .
12 He might even be passably attractive , Virginia told herself furiously , if it were n't for the villainous growth of stubble on his jaw .
13 While he went in search of the water , she locked herself furiously in the bathroom to don a baggy navy and white striped T-shirt nightdress , and by the time he returned she was safely hidden underneath the printed white bedspread .
14 ‘ Well , we both know why , of course ! ’ she answered herself furiously .
15 Take a grip on yourself , she told herself furiously .
16 I do n't respect Damian Flint , she told herself furiously , and I do n't admire him either .
17 Some would say her hair is her finest feature , though Robyn herself secretly hankers after something more muted and malleable , hair that could be groomed and styled according to mood — drawn back in a severe bun like Simone de Beauvoir 's , or allowed to fall to the shoulders in a Pre-Raphaelite cloud .
18 She is the only pop star of any sex who has been shrewd enough to re-invent herself successfully at 18- months interval since David Bowie in the Seventies .
19 The woman had rubbed herself vigorously with the leaves , and presumably the man had been exposed to some of the plant 's irritant oil remaining on her body after washing .
20 Relaxed and without the miserable depression of the previous few evenings , Julia pulled herself out of the water , rubbed herself vigorously with the hard , thin towel Annunziata had left there for her and went to dress .
21 She shook herself vigorously to throw off the fugginess in her head .
22 I hate that man , she told herself vigorously when she eventually forced herself to sit down and jigsaw the jumbled fragments of her emotions into place .
23 She landed up with still more work on her hands when the wardrobe mistress fell ill and she found herself gamely stepping into the breach .
24 ‘ we 'll have a happy Christmas , ’ she told herself grimly , ‘ or perish in the attempt ! ’
25 But she did n't have to , she reminded herself grimly .
26 But then there was nothing new about feeling like that , she reminded herself grimly .
27 ‘ Get out and see what you 've hit , Shae , ’ she told herself grimly .
28 You total , utter fool ! she told herself grimly , desperately trying to control her trembling figure .
29 You must be joking ! she told herself grimly , recalled to the present by the sound of the fax machine , once again clattering away in the other room .
30 It was only for the benefit of anyone who might be watching , she reminded herself grimly , but she could n't ignore the tremor of longing deep within her , a longing almost too strong to contain .
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