Example sentences of "to give [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ 18T was radically different to earlier variants , a totally new fuselage having been designed to give side-by-side instead of tandem seating and first flight is believed to have been in 1967 .
2 The answer appears if we premultiply and postmultiply Equation ( 5 ) by appropriate quantities to give since do permutes with
3 I 've sometimes made some rather awful mistakes when I have thought first about what I would like to give rather than what my friends would like to receive , so do try to find out before you embark on a special garment .
4 More are likely to be ill informed , to take little interest in politics , and perhaps to give rather less thought to the casting of a vote than to the marking of a pools coupon .
5 The publishing explosion following the development of printing made it necessary for catalogues to give rather more detail : for instance , the edition and date of a book might now be more crucial to the reader , because there were so many variants .
6 If the linguistic side of our University Schools of English could be persuaded to give rather less of their attention to the roots of the English language and to devote more of it to the leaves it has put forth so abundantly since 1500 there would be far more data for literary scholars like Mr. Bateson to work upon .
7 An early Tender may also be useful in forcing the inexperienced pursuer 's agent to give rather more consideration to quantification of the claim than has been done previously .
8 Not to apologize — that would be asking for explanations he was n't able to give right now — but to see that she was all right .
9 In practice , the average is usually a time average ; one observes and averages the velocity at a point over a period long enough for separate measurements to give effectively the same result .
10 He scored his first goal since his switch to starboard and proceeded to give vastly experienced full-back Kenny Sansom a rugged afternoon .
11 The practical reason why it is wise in the long term to give much more careful thought to river and wetland management is that drainage can contain , profoundly , the seeds of its own destruction .
12 There was seen to be an urgent need to give much greater recognition to the potential contribution of NHS managers .
13 It has left society with the obligation to give much more serious thought to adjusting the street environment rather than concentrating on adjusting the behaviour of the user .
14 The Children Act requires SSDs to give much greater weight to the context of people 's lives .
15 Whitford 's view is that Irigaray 's work has been read out of context , and that we need to give much more careful attention to the psychoanalytic dimension of her thought .
16 And somewhere in there it may be that something 's got to give perhaps .
17 Er but usually you 'd have to give perhaps a drink of erm er water just , just warm water .
18 A One easy way to give naturally curly hair that perfect ringlet look just like you see in magazine pictures is simply to shampoo and rinse your hair and afterwards comb an even amount of conditioner through the hair .
19 The nurses were paid substitutes , like Sien , for the provision of care that a mother was supposed to give naturally .
20 There is room here to give only the briefest account of the different kinds of vertebrates .
21 For most of his career Tolkien was a most extreme example of a man with this second urge strongly developed : he was fascinated by names , to give only one example , part of whose nature is that they are for one thing and one thing alone , very hard to reduce to system !
22 The implication of this perspective is that it is possible to give only a limited and provisional legitimacy to strategic nuclear weapons deployed as a second-strike ‘ deterrent ’ threat .
23 The map is intended to give only a generalised indication of where exploration might best be directed .
24 Nor had she ever seen such a dress on anyone over the age of thirty , but seeing it , she had to admit that it did not even look bizarre : it was a pale purple smock , waistless and bustless , with long , much-buttoned sleeves , and yet it managed to give only the faintest , most delicate air of Bohemia .
25 The enabling statute always , explicitly or implicitly , states , if X 1 , X 2 , X 3 exist you may or shall do Y. Yet , if X 1 , X 2 , and X 3 , and all the elements constituting them , were always held to be jurisdictional in a legal sense , the dividing line between review and appeal would be emasculated : the tribunal would have power to give only the right answer , this meaning the answer which accords with the view of the reviewing court .
26 The time constraints for decisions to be made are tight , as operators are required to give only six weeks ' notice of their intention to withdraw or change a service .
27 On land reform , 1975 legislation was amended to give only two grounds for compulsory redistribution : abandonment for 18 months ( two years in exceptional circumstances ) and individual holdings above the ( generally high ) 1975 ceilings .
28 In the key province of Ontario — which contained one-third of the country 's population — the majority in favour was so tiny as to give only a Pyrrhic victory to the supporters of the accord .
29 Would he not agree er that the fact that erm the Home Office plan to give allow for seven million pounds extra er for the police budget in W in Wales whereas in actual fact local government has chosen er to give only two point two million er through the police budget er is a disgrace and reflects very badly on the running of the police authority and on the chairmanship of that committee .
30 Well actually this is a matter for the police authorities and despite the fact that the Noble Lord , Lord Callaghan had said this is a centralising measure and er and a number of other Noble Lords have , have said er s similar things , what my Right Honourable Friend is trying to do is to give down to local authorities more power , more responsibility and not to keep that r responsibility to himself .
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