Example sentences of "come [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The ability to learn such social skills may come slowly , but can in most cases be taught so that the child learns to behave in a socially acceptable fashion even though they may have limited academic ability .
2 It is only if you kneel down and call him to you that will he come slowly for his apology .
3 Yet Citrine was working within a specific , more individualist business culture and , though change could only come slowly , collective discussion remained the only antidote to bureaucracy that he ever really understood .
4 He rose from the chair and watched the girl come slowly into the room .
5 Sprat tells us that in pursuit of Bacon 's aim of making ‘ faithful records , of all the works of nature or art , which can come within … reach ’ , the Royal Society sent out , world-wide , letters and questionnaires on all conceivable topics , discussing and debating the replies at their meetings .
6 But he does come rather near making the rather empty point that it must be wrong to identify good with anything different from itself .
7 For all the Chancellor 's efforts to tell us things will come right in time , it will take real , hard evidence that the deficit is coming down to protect Mr Lawson from the bitter mercies of the markets .
8 The Chancellor of the Exchequer was given a two-minute standing ovation after he delivered an uncompromising defence of his policies and declared : ‘ It is clear that the economy is already responding to the measures we have taken , and I have no doubt whatever that it will come right in good time .
9 I thought , ‘ same as usual , a bit of inspiration and desire and it 'll come right ’ . '
10 I put to myself the question : ‘ How then , does it come right ? ’
11 He wished he 'd never come right into the house .
12 What would he come right out our way for ? ’
13 My brother-in-law had managed to fix things up , he said , and would come right away .
14 And Miss P told him that if ever any man tried to mess him about or to make him do things he did n't want to do then he should come right back to The Bar and tell us , and we 'd sort the man out for him .
15 For long periods , this somewhat improbable lake is so safe and tranquil that visitors can come right to the edge of the crater , without the least hazard .
16 I was n't naive enough to expect the goodies to win every time , but over the long-haul , and certainly in the last reel , I sort of weakly , vaguely , wetly assumed that things would come right .
17 People who have been held awkwardly may in their turn be stiff , ashamed of nudity or partial nudity , or carry a fantasy that if only the scene were properly set , rosy lights dimly aglow , all would come right .
18 It was a funny advertisement , it did n't come right out and say it gave you abortions , it just promised to ‘ help ’ .
19 Since I was the best spinner of my type in the world , eventually it would all come right .
20 ‘ Get people right , and your quality , your profitability , your financial performance and your whole competitive stance will also come right . ’
21 We 're fed-up and tired and we 've missed our train , but it 'll all come right , just see if it does n't .
22 Surely it would all come right .
23 It 'll all come right , just see if it does n't . ’
24 ‘ The Thing would n't have let us come right here if it was n't safe for nomes . ’
25 Other people 's prejudices are not difficult to discern , even though they may not come right out with it .
26 After a while the ducks got so confident that they 'd come right into our garden and eventually into the house itself .
27 It will all come right , now that a different period of history has begun .
28 Sadly most woodworkers are very critical of their own work ; sometimes to the extent that a half-finished project is abandoned , because some part of it just wo n't come right .
29 Carving a wooden rocking horse is a most satisfying project , though you may well encounter frustrations on the way and times when you think it will never come right , but it will , eventually .
30 Soon , perhaps , it will come right .
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