Example sentences of "eight week " in BNC.

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1 Some doctors like to fit an IUD soon after delivery ; others prefer to wait until six or eight weeks after the baby has been born .
2 the extension of the care premium for eight weeks after the claimant ceases to be entitled to Invalid Care Allowance .
3 The aim to clear applications within six weeks was achieved from August to December 1990 but the backlog then rose to eight weeks as applications increased .
4 Joseph replied with a renewed bid , this time of £43 million , Watney 's came back again with £47 million , and so the battle swayed from one side to the other for eight weeks .
5 She collected Ben from his breeders when he was eight weeks old , having paid £175 .
6 The trial is expected to last six to eight weeks .
7 Completion normally takes place four to eight weeks later and there is no opportunity for second thoughts .
8 An appeal can also be made if the council takes more than eight weeks to come to a decision — this is called an appeal against non-determination .
9 Any two or more PIWs separated from each other by eight weeks or less are ‘ linked ’ , and treated as one PIW .
10 Use this where your employee is leaving and has had at least four days ' SSP in the last eight weeks of the contract .
11 Spells of sickness lasting four or more days in a row link and count as one PIW if separated by eight weeks or less .
12 Be extra careful with new employees who have worked for you for eight weeks or less .
13 Add together the gross payments made on the last normal pay day before the PIW began and any other payments made since the pay day which was at least eight weeks before that .
14 Where an employee is paid once each month , but in multiples of a week , for example on the last Friday of each month , add together the gross payments made on the last normal pay day before the PIW began and any other payments made since the pay day which was at least eight weeks before .
15 If your new employee falls sick and has worked for you for eight weeks or less , check whether they have any of these linking letters from the Department of Social Security : BF218 , BF220 , BM7 or BM8 ( or BF219 in Northern Ireland ) .
16 If this date is within eight weeks from the start of the PIW , you will not have to pay SSP for so long .
17 If the employee has been working for you for up to eight weeks and does not have a linking letter or a Leaver 's statement , phone your Social Security office and ask if the start of the PIW you are dealing with links back to a claim to a Social Security benefit .
18 If your employee is sick during the last eight weeks before leaving and you have paid SSP for more than three days you have to fill in a Leaver 's statement SSP(L) .
19 Add together the gross payments made on the last normal pay-day before the end of the QW and any other payments made after the pay-day which was at least eight weeks before that .
20 Where your employee is paid once a month but is paid in multiples of a week ( for example , on the last Friday of each month ) , add together the gross payments made on the last pay day before the end of the QW and any other payments made after the pay day at least eight weeks before that .
21 We work all year round but ca n't work on the uplands during the winter months — we might not see it for six to eight weeks .
22 It is the finale of two of the recruit courses : the Regular recruits have spent eight weeks at the WRAC Centre completing an intensive course which provides a young woman with all the basic military skills Which she will require to be able to take her place alongside her male counterpart in the modern British Army .
23 They have been an action-packed eight weeks , with map reading , first aid , nuclear , biological and chemical warfare instruction , weapon training , fieldcraft , physical training and a myriad of other subjects to prepare the recruit for her chosen career .
24 As the recruits recount all sorts of ‘ anglers ’ tales ' about the last eight weeks of training , the Inspecting Officer and Commandant mingle with the visitors , Who have travelled from all corers of the United Kingdom and a few from further afield .
25 It is a means of discovering at just eight weeks of pregnancy whether the foetus is normal .
26 You should be told how to keep that look for the next eight weeks . ’
27 He continued : ‘ In eight weeks of this dispute he [ Mr Clarke ] has not once sat down with the staff side of the ambulancemen .
28 ON January 1 the National Centre for Alternative Technology , one of the focal points in Britain 's emerging green network , is going public and eight weeks later will be launching a £1.25 million share issue .
29 When they are eight weeks old , for example , mouse pups that have been conditioned using mild electric shocks to their feet readily learn to swim through a simple water maze .
30 You must have claimed dole for eight weeks or served on the Youth Training Scheme or be able to produce formal notice of redundancy .
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