Example sentences of "said [that] " in BNC.

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1 I have far fewer friends and I am partially sighted , which makes me a lot more vulnerable ; but whatever happens physically , I have always said that it was what happened mentally that mattered .
2 I have far few friends and I am partially sighted , which makes me a lot more vulnerable ; but whatever happens physically , I have always said that it was what happened mentally that mattered .
3 It is said that the prison director steals the fuel to warm his own house in Meknes .
4 Well , it can be said that he does not allow his mercilessness to go undetected on this occasion .
5 And it could be said that not only is it about imitation — it is also , as are other tours de force , itself an imitation of something .
6 But it should also be said that some elements of this description of mine could be taken to characterise the activity , sometimes ominous enough in its human implications , of all imaginative writers , however remote they may be from the dualistic confederacy .
7 The husband of the cleaning woman had been a soldier , and she had said that he had had no choice but to obey his orders to shoot Jews .
8 And it has been said that local authorities are not always very sympathetic to acting as a choice of career and sometimes obtaining a grant may be more difficult if a student has evidently changed his or her career tack .
9 To simplify a rather complex historical phenomenon , it can be said that the present political division between Fianna Fail and Fine Gael originates in positions taken by opponents in that war .
10 In fairness to de Valera , it must be said that he opposed any attempt to incorporate the church into the apparatus of the state and in this was , as already noted , going against the form of relationship preferred by the Popes of the day .
11 Though it has to be said , he wrote , and Goldberg , his eye racing down the page covered in his friend 's tiny handwriting , paused to sip from the glass of fresh orange-juice at his side , wiped his forehead and went on typing , it has to be said that I have occasionally had the illusion that I knew what step to take first and even , occasionally , what step to take second , I will not talk about a third .
12 It is often said that the two most difficult and specialist design areas within a hotel are the kitchen and the leisure facility .
13 I must have said that several times already because Ma fixed me with a glittering stare and exclaimed , ‘ If you say that word once more , Andrew , just once more , I 'll send you to the Science Museum again … with Annabel . ’
14 It is often said that more damage is done inside the hangar than out !
15 If only I was this , if I 'd only said that , done the other — why always ME ?
16 It is often said that penalties automatically follow when blood appears following a facial attack , but this is an over-simplification .
17 James had said that John Stewart the pedlar had seemed frantic that night — more so than the emergency warranted ?
18 It is said that prior to birth the angels instruct the child in full knowledge of life and the universe .
19 ( Others have said that his death was due to his homosexuality .
20 Leonard could be fastidious to the nth degree in completing his own work — he has always said that he works ‘ one word at a time , ’ and can spend months , even years , in adding finesse to it ; he is nevertheless dismissive of anything approaching scholarly exactitude , still more so pedantry .
21 Whilst owing his debt to Lorca , it has to be said that this volume is markedly conservative .
22 It has to be said that the plays are somewhat thin in material , and the characterisation weak , but they were both offended by the offhand refusal and the Corporation 's unwillingness to offer even the slightest guidance for the betterment of the projects .
23 It is said that his influence came through his extraordinary power , both learned and ‘ uncanny ’ , to rearrange suggestively the letters of the divine Name ( the Tetragrammaton : YHWH ) , which are so sacrosanct that they are considered to be unpronounceable .
24 ‘ I should n't have said that , ’ he went on .
25 To put it simply : I can never have just one thought about the spectacles , and if it could be truly said that I was only able to entertain , say , two or ten thoughts about them — if my thinking consisted of discrete , countable thoughts — then they would not be thoughts at all .
26 Now it is frequently said that the development of skilled movement ‘ lags ’ a long way behind that of skilled perception , and in one sense this is certainly true : young babies have excellent visual acuity as revealed by their behavioural discrimination of , and neural responsivity , to gratings and chequerboards — but we do n't see them playing darts !
27 I make no excuse for quoting at some length from the Chatrier newsletter ‘ I have always said that the biggest problem we face in tennis is that there is too much money around .
28 In fact it could be said that our position in the rankings is declining in direct proportion to the increase in the money spent .
29 To conclude , it has to be said that balance is the most important factor in chest development .
30 However the Worldwide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) has said that less than one per cent of all tropical timber brought into Britain is managed sustainably .
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