Example sentences of "said [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And Goldberg , in his pad : I have never said or written any of the sentiments attributed to me here , though I have heard them from the mouths and read them from the pens of others .
2 It means something has been said or something has happened that has put the subject of the remark in an uncomfortable place .
3 We asked our panel whether they had , ‘ in the last few days , noticed anything in particular that Mrs Thatcher has said or done ’ ; and similar questions about Kinnock , Steel , Owen , and ‘ other ’ ( unspecified ) Conservative , Labour , and Alliance leaders .
4 What must some of those mouths have said or done !
5 This demonstrates the interaction between the excusing elements in provocation ( not just the loss of self-control , but the degree of provocation experienced ) and the justificatory elements ( to an extent , D was right to react angrily to what had been said or done , unless the alleged provocation was self-induced or was a legally justified act ) .
6 Support refers to anything which is said or done to help the offender solve or mitigate their personal or social problems : surveillance to anything which is said or done to induce the offender to conform to socially acceptable standards of behaviour .
7 Support refers to anything which is said or done to help the offender solve or mitigate their personal or social problems : surveillance to anything which is said or done to induce the offender to conform to socially acceptable standards of behaviour .
8 Proceedings in the Chamber are fully recorded so that everything that is said or done is available for the broadcasters to use in their programmes .
9 M. Dupont , so far as I could observe , was not contributing to the discussions , and it was hard to tell from his sullen demeanour if he was attending carefully to what was being said or else deeply engrossed in other thoughts .
10 Successive Secretaries of State have stated that only by the unvarying observance of this practice is it possible to ensure that in no circumstances is anything said or not said which , by comparison with what was said on a different occasion , might imply that a warrant had or had not been issued .
11 Something he had said or somebody had said , something …
12 Instead the article , obviously based on interviews with my critics , attacked what I had said or written about IQ in other places .
13 Nothing men had said or written was to be trusted .
14 As part of society , elderly clients and their carers may be contributors to a racist or anti-racist society by what is said or done .
15 We may be ashamed of what we 've said or done .
16 ‘ And should any other prince or captain , Christian or infidel , of whatever law or sect or condition he may be , pretend to any right to these lands and seas , I am ready and prepared to deny him and to defend them in the names of the Kings of Castile present and future , whose is this empire and the dominion of these Indies , islands and mainland , northern and southern , with their seas , in the arctic pole as in the antarctic , on both sides of the equinoctial line , within and without the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn — so that each thing and part of it belong and appertain most completely to Their Highnesses and to their successors , as I declare more at length by writ setting forth all that may be said or can be said and alleged in behalf of their royal patrimony , now and for all time so long as the world shall last until the final universal judgement of all mortals . '
17 Verbatim notes provide an exact record of what has been said or what happened , but the times when you require this are extremely limited .
18 What influences the young child is not so much what is said or meant by the adult 's question .
19 Although the butler had never said or intimated anything untoward , Michael had grown up with prejudice long enough to recognize it for what it was .
20 It is worth emphasizing what has already been said or implied , that all seven of the connections at which we have looked , and the further subordinate ones at which we shall not look , are indeed objective connections , connections in reality .
21 In particular situations the speech of , say , an academic , particularly if he is saying something he has said or thought about before , may have a great deal in common with written language forms .
22 The imperative 'need to find regularities ' which Popper speaks of , coupled with Bartlett 's ‘ effort after meaning ’ , constitute a powerful expectation in human beings that what is said or written will make sense in the context in which it appears .
23 One way of doing this is to look behind the literal , formal meaning of what is said or written , and to consider what the sender of a message intends to achieve with it , to try to understand its function .
24 One way of doing this is to look behind the literal , formal meaning of what is said or written , and to consider what the sender of a message intends to achieve with it , to try to understand its function .
25 For example , I obviously ca n't tell you anything unless and until you hear what I 've said or see what I 've written .
26 Everything we say or write is connected both with things which have been said or written in the past , and with things which may be said or written in response to it in the future .
27 Everything we say or write is connected both with things which have been said or written in the past , and with things which may be said or written in response to it in the future .
28 To trigger section 76(2) ( b ) , however , it must be the case that there something was ‘ said or done ’ which was likely to render a confession unreliable , and it has been held that this means something said or done to D , as distinct from some words or conduct of D himself ( Goldenberg ( 1988 ) 88 Cr.App.R. 285 ) .
29 My judgment rests upon the view that the plaintiffs had quite enough compulsion upon them from the terms of the Act itself , apart altogether from anything that may have been said or done by officers of government .
30 ‘ the plaintiffs had quite enough compulsion upon them from the terms of the Act itself , apart altogether from anything that may have been said or done by officers of government .
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