Example sentences of "make some " in BNC.

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1 They make some of the longest journeys on the BR network .
2 Either we make some sacrifices … or we gradually choke in our own dirt . ’
3 In a moment Vigo would glance round , show surprise and make some swift apology for being engaged on matters beyond a policeman 's comprehension .
4 Make some gingerbread men .
5 I would so like to see her make some new friends . ’
6 One horse may say , ‘ I like you ’ , by mouthing his owner 's hand with his lips and tongue ; another may put his head on his owner 's shoulder ; or a third may come up to his owner and make some other form of body contact .
7 For young women more than any other group there is so much scope for expression through the way they dress and look , so many more opportunities to have fun , play around with the rules , and make some of their own .
8 Families are like constellations of stars : we see each one as an entity , because they make some recognisable design , yet the individual stars are scattered all over the universe , apart .
9 His sanctimoniousness and hypocrisy make some people around here regard him with great distaste .
10 The French , Italians , Scandinavians , Dutch and Swiss come to play at prices that make some new hot spots look positively expensive .
11 Make some use of literary stylistic features , such as alteration of word order for emphasis or the deliberate repetition of words or sentence patterns , and of those features that characterise an impersonal style when required , using Standard English ( except in contexts where non-standard forms are needed for literary purposes , eg in dialogue , in a story or playscript ) .
12 Our guiding principle is that pupils with special educational needs should , as far as possible , have the opportunity to experience the full range of the English curriculum , but we make some broad recommendations for modifications to attainment targets , programmes of study and assessment arrangements which we feel may nevertheless be necessary .
13 Let's Make Some Undies , Marion Hall ( W. Foulsham & Co. , 1954 )
14 He would become so uncomfortable that he would eventually leave the table and make some more coffee !
15 This passionate article was written in 1985 , and the rapidity of social change and changes in attitude since then , already make some qualification necessary .
16 In the remarks that follow I offer some answers to these questions , make some scattered observations about how these answers relate to concerns about the environment , and indicate where my own sympathies lie .
17 If he has satisfied this task of self-actualization , then he may need to create art , or invent , or make some new discovery of science .
18 leak urine when you cough , sneeze or make some physical effort such as lifting or running ( stress incontinence ) ;
19 If , when you do , the neighbours think you are being anti-social explain or say that you have a passion for climbing roses or clematis , or make some other excuse if you wish to be polite .
20 The monopolist in our example is in the fortunate position of being able to set any price between £3.81 and £9.20 and still make some profit .
21 Make some excuse and go back to Rhodes .
22 If you make some measurements on the bar code on the front of this magazine you will find that the wide bars are actually less than one millimetre wide .
23 Whenever someone undertakes interesting experiments or activities on the air it is open to other operators around the world to find out what is happening , join in , and make some contribution themselves .
24 Make some poor people less poor by ringing
25 If you own a ribber and colour changer make some double jacquard cards too .
26 Make some notes in your diary of the benefits you think it might bring .
27 Make some notes in your diary giving reasons for your answers .
28 Some critics feel that she is either Emma returned from the grave , or a supernatural vision ; though both these interpretations make some sense , I feel that the most obvious possibility is the true one .
29 MAKE some turkey stock from the giblets ( do not use the liver , it makes it bitter ) .
30 It is vital that you make some long-term decisions this year and sort out any aspects of your life that are weak and inadequate .
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