Example sentences of "road there " in BNC.

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1 There is a counter attack going on , and the target is the next village just along the road there , ’ indicating with his forefinger in the direction of No. 6 Commando positions in and around the Saulnier farm at the other end of the village .
2 I move to my left , knowing that there is a road there somewhere — it is always best to avoid roads , but it is even better to be able to see where you are .
3 Promises of a new bullet train here , a relief road there , let alone an airport or large tourist attraction , are clearly likely to favour the ruling party in dozens of marginal constituencies .
4 With a feeling of having been unexpectedly let out of school , I drove over the hills on the road to Reading and coasted along the unfenced part of the Quillersedge Estate until I thought I 'd come more or less to where Gareth had dropped the paint : parked off the road there and searched more closely for the place on foot .
5 From the old way I took the track down to Whernside Manor and Deepdale Methodist Chapel , crossing the road there and taking the path through the woods where a millstone propped against a tree is all that remains of the old mill that once stood here .
6 " There 's a road there , then , " he said .
7 * The girls road there motor-cicles through the corn .
8 A : That blonde girl over the road there
9 They 're opening a new lot now at the top of the road there .
10 An he says , oh , you follow that road there and take the first left and — ( Furiously ) .
11 Er which is the case unfortunately in er some instances with animals , but it 's been as you know perhaps at the R S P C A shelter just down the road there at er , but it 's gone now to a happy home in Derbyshire .
12 Well there used to be a dressing rooms on erm on Road there .
13 She told me that just across the road there lived what she described as a mantenuta , a kept woman , whose lover visited her every day : she could be seen waiting for him behind the semi-closed shutters .
14 A river ran underneath the road there , and the car was lying next to the bridge wall , below the road .
15 Er fashion and design , well if , from a design point of view erm we all work the same way , no matter who in knitwear , who you work , whether it 's Marks and Spencers or whether it 's Jack Vere or whether it 's John Smedley or erm Finks across the road there .
16 There was no road there , there then .
17 He lives up just two or three mile up the road there , .
18 And if there were h a wagon or a hutch went off the road there you were with not enough height to lift it all back off the rail again and believe me that was experience in itself .
19 in this case it was held that despite knowing that a vehicle had deposited diesel on the road there as no duty to take active steps to prevent another being injured by the negligence of a third party .
20 No but I mind it Well the power station , I mind it no road there .
21 I mind no road there .
22 For I worked at the council they were trying to make a road there then .
23 I tell you why , because he we he won the smithy window across the road there .
24 Ah all these , there was no yar houses across the road there .
25 He lived down the road there .
26 But then she got married and we lived down the road there for a while till they repaired these , they made these There was very old houses these are .
27 And buy a sheep and come home with it and that over the bridge with it , all along and along er that road there and th and when we used to come from that school in , he used to be coming with a sheep on the string like this and the poor thing , I used to look at the old sheep and he often used to be tired you see .
28 But there was one shop up the road there , er it was n the Welsh names they were or most you see .
29 Alice had to breathe really hard not to cross the road there , for although the old woman always smiled , the hallway behind her was dark brown and went on forever .
30 There 's a Roman road there , and some firm ground if you know where to look .
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