Example sentences of "yesterday for " in BNC.

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1 A SALESMAN who threatened to poison food at Marks and Spencer stores unless his demands for £140,000 were met was jailed yesterday for five years .
2 THE SCOTTISH Commonwealth Games selectors were heavily criticised yesterday for naming a team of just 18 athletes for the Games in Auckland early next year .
3 Batley and Sheffield Eagles received a severe reprimand yesterday for the fighting which took place during their first-round Yorkshire Cup tie .
4 Castleford , who , like Hull , were fined £3,000 yesterday for brawling in a League match , were in control for most of the game , but their young side was caught by a Kiwi revival in the second half .
5 LVMH added £30m to the £246m pre-tax profits Guinness announced yesterday for the period to 30 June , when only a 16 per cent stake was accounted for .
6 The Dutch club , who won the Champions ' Cup three times in the early Seventies , were banned yesterday for at least two years as a result of crowd trouble that caused the abandonment of their UEFA Cup match against Austria Vienna in Amsterdam nine days ago .
7 THE EUROPEAN Commission of Human Rights gave its permission yesterday for three newspapers to pursue a claim that the UK broke freedom of expression guarantees during the Spycatcher affair .
8 WILLIAM WALDEGRAVE , Minister of State at the Foreign Office , called yesterday for the improvement in human rights in the Soviet Union to be codified into law .
9 HONG KONG won British backing yesterday for a plan to continue trading from its stockpile of ivory , even if a world-wide ban is agreed by Cites , the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species .
10 A former nurse , hurt on duty and unlikely to work again , was awarded £157,500 by Newcastle Crown Court yesterday for a serious back injury .
11 FARMERS voted yesterday for a tough licensing system to curb straw burning , after complaints about smoke pollution at the end of this year 's harvest .
12 HERSCHEL WALKER , the outstanding running back of the Dallas Cowboys , was traded to the Minnesota Vikings yesterday for five players and up to seven draft choices .
13 A guest arriving at Westway Studios , west London , yesterday for the opening catwalk show of London Fashion Week
14 A guest arriving at Westway Studios , west London , yesterday for the opening catwalk show of London Fashion Week .
15 A KURDISH asylum seeker forcibly returned to Turkey was detained yesterday for questioning by the political police , writes Nicholas Schoon .
16 The mother ship of Japan 's four-vessel whaling fleet left yesterday for the Antarctic , where officials say it will catch 300 whales in the third year of a controversial research programme .
17 AMAN who hired two youths to firebomb his neighbours after they complained about his loud music was jailed for 12 years yesterday for manslaughter .
18 The board of inquiry called yesterday for a full and open judicial inquiry into the alleged activities of the death squad , noting that the present McNally investigation was an inter-departmental inquiry behind closed doors .
19 SIR William Wilkinson , chairman of the Nature Conservancy Council , castigated the Government yesterday for its decision to dismember the council without consultation .
20 Three days of rioting by Miami 's black community followed the killing , and police and city officials were on full alert yesterday for a resumption of the riots if the jury acquitted the Hispanic-American policeman .
21 AYOUTH was sentenced to be detained at Her Majesty 's pleasure at the Old Bailey yesterday for the murder of baby Christopher Palmer while the mother was convicted of cruelty but cleared of murder and manslaughter .
22 THE Department of Transport was severely criticised yesterday for failing to apply proper sanctions against contractors who have cost taxpayers £70 million through poor workmanship and inadequate supervision of nearly 130 roads and bridges built since 1970 .
23 Three days of rioting by Miami 's black community followed the killing , and police and city officials were on full alert yesterday for a resumption of the riots if the jury acquitted the Hispanic-American policeman .
24 Leslie Thomas , a leader of a gang that organised acid house parties in London , was jailed at the Old Bailey yesterday for five years and three months after being convicted in his absence of plotting to permit premises to be used for the supply of drugs .
25 A 37-HOUR working week agreed yesterday for a group of engineering workers may become a benchmark in the national engineering dispute , now in its second month .
26 Ryan Monks and Paul Mill , both 21 , were jailed for life at Perth High Court yesterday for hacking gunshop manager Mr Gordon Johnston , aged 54 , to death during a raid at his shop in Dundee .
27 ALEX HIGGINS escaped suspension but was fined £3,000 yesterday for bringing the game into disrepute .
28 The Israeli Prime Minister , Mr Yitzhak Shamir , went into hospital yesterday for a hernia operation .
29 Sir Michael Quinlan , Britain 's permanent under-secretary of defence , arrived in Kuala Lumpur yesterday for three days of talks about purchases of military equipment .
30 THE wheels of justice began turning yesterday for the former Bolivian Interior Minister , Mr Luis Arce Gomez , when he appeared before a Miami magistrate following his arrest and deportation from Bolivia .
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