Example sentences of "take them " in BNC.

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1 I have been very lucky ; the right opportunities have come along and yet every time you take them you are looking forward immediately to the next challenge .
2 They will want to be sure that you are prepared to give your time to care for the children , that you will provide for all their needs and take them out regularly , and that you really do like small children !
3 Take them to the hospital with you for the doctor to examine .
4 If he does , make sure you take them as instructed .
5 Any readers who want to collect aluminium cans can either send them to me or contact local scrap metal dealers and take them there , where they can then donate the cash to a charity of their own choice .
6 Of course there are , and ought to be , a thousand images of God in which we represent him as changing his mind , forgetting , being angry , being him , doing all kinds of creaturely things ; our language of worship , of gratitude for existence , has to be full of such metaphors and images ; we must take these metaphors seriously , but if we take them literally , if we mistake these images for God , we are idolaters .
7 Today , I was told , villagers living around the great wool churches of Lavenham and Long Melford have to bar their doors and ignore the knocking of tourists , who take them for antique shops and offer to buy their furniture .
8 They give you any backchat , you take them in .
9 It was a quiet time and I would sit these fellows down for half an hour and take them through what they were doing .
10 Although in all the three books considered there is some evolutionary scheme , when we take them together it is clear that Marx and Engels were very willing to modify the overall picture whenever they obtained new information .
11 She s still got the fag and matches in her hands , so I take them away from her .
12 They 're real nice pictures — I keep them in my pocket and take them out sometimes to look at them .
13 I get a bit flustered with all the letters , so what I do is , I take them all and go to Sonja 's room .
14 If you like their taste , take them out to tea and make an offer .
15 They are very much a two-career couple and , although the work overlaps from time to time , they have two very distinct careers , which take them in different directions .
16 The main target is striped dolphins , whose migration paths ( arrowed ) take them past the southern and eastern coastlines of Japan every year .
17 He did n't know whether to leave them here with all the other stuff that he was leaving behind or take them with him .
18 ‘ We 'll tape them , ’ Elinor said , ‘ and take them to the church hall . ’
19 1.7 , a point of some significance in the context of this essay , and one to which I shall return later ) , or take them to the Temple for the ritual redemption of the first-born ( idem ) ; they were exempt from making the thrice-yearly pilgrimage to Jerusalem at the feasts of Passover , Pentecost and Tabernacles ( Hag .
20 Take them outside and shoot them , LA police chief Daryl F. Gates told a Senate hearing .
21 ‘ We take them once a year to a council rubbish dump .
22 The Cattle of the Cottagers are impounded when the Forest is driven by the Keepers , as all other Cattle are ; and when the Owners take them from the Pound ( paying the usual Fees to the Keepers ) they turn them again into the Forest , having no other Means of maintaining them … the Cottagers … are detrimental to the Forest , by cutting Wood for Fuel , and for building Huts , and making Fences to the Patches which they inclose from the Forest ; by keeping Pigs , Sheep etc. in the Forest all the Year ; and by stealing Timber .
23 ‘ The basic idea is that you jump towards them , scoop up their legs and take them down hard , ’ she explained .
24 Good passenger-carrying capacity is vital as far as Peaks is concerned because the Shogun is used to pick up some of his employees and take them to work .
25 Take them away , ’ Tock muttered .
26 The oldest of the fishermen , grey of head and wearing his false teeth on a string round his neck , spat in the sand and said , ‘ Trent , boy , you take them men , you make damn sure them pay cash money . ’
27 ‘ Then take them off .
28 I think the equipment gets in the way of creativity — photography is an art not a craft , you should MAKE pictures not just take them . ’
29 ‘ Say take them off , child , ’ her grandmother corrected from the dim interior .
30 Keep them out of the way , take them through the ugliest country you can find , confess them the miserable things they are , and spend nothing on them but for safety and speed …
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