Example sentences of "take a " in BNC.

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1 If you 're worried that you 've recently take a risk , go to the special STD clinic at your local hospital .
2 Guide books customarily take a lesser role , informing the traveller and listing things to see .
3 But then the watching gods take a hand ; and one of them says that the great Roman god might not approve of a settlement in Africa , of a mingling of peoples there , of treaties of union between Africans and Romans .
4 They appeared in his novel of 1960 , Take a girl like you , in which Patrick gives freezing looks , and a group of children wears the ‘ expression of being proud of being serious , like some famous author photographed in the Radio Times ’ .
5 I reviewed Take a girl like you when it came out , and took pains to convey how much I enjoyed and admired its incendiariness .
6 But the novels were soon to exhibit an interest in misogyny , and to see a connection between ‘ the old hoo-ha ’ and ‘ the old last end ’ — expressions used by Ormerod and Standish respectively , in Take a girl like you , for sexual intercourse and death .
7 Fairly early in Take a girl like you , Patrick delivers himself of an unqualified condemnation of women , which is followed by a sentence from the narrator concerning and presumably condemning Patrick 's attitude to Jenny at that stage , as a girl to be taken and left : ‘ He wanted more than his share of her before anybody else had any . ’
8 In Take a girl like you a great sentence falls like the dew from heaven during one of the scenes in Amis when a terminally drunk man endures a sexual turmoil and fiasco , is stunned by a stunning but not very nice girl .
9 Heirs to the freedoms which , on the threshold of the Sixties , Take a girl like you may be thought to have assisted in inaugurating , but which it also contrived to criticise , young people now seem to feel that the old Patrick belonged to a sexist work , and they may well feel that the old Adam has surfaced again in the new Patrick .
10 It is dated December 1959 , and may therefore have been written at the time that Take a girl like you was being completed .
11 The letter it sends is to an attractive friend who goes about ‘ bagging birds ’ , and who belongs to a world in which the beautiful say yes to the beautiful and wildly misbehave , a world which is said to be ‘ described on Sundays only ’ , in papers like the News of the World — but which is also described in Take a girl like you .
12 If it be nasty weather , I take a turn in the chocolate-hause : where , as you walk , madam , you have the prettiest prospect in the world ; you have lookingglasses all round you .
13 When this happens take a hydrometer reading and if the gravity is about 1010 syphon the beer into the wine cube .
14 TAKE a piece of fish , cook for 20 minutes until it has a wood-like texture , marinate for two days in soy sauce and sesame oil , then serve .
15 Their lives take a startling turn when a friend is murdered in the local park .
16 If this bit does refer to you , open your eyes , take a look around you , see what 's going on and do something .
17 We take a peek into the gardening notebook of Radio 5 's Richard Jackson .
18 If you take a train ride into any of our major cities you will see thousands of long narrow gardens in serried ranks on either side of the track .
19 When I first met Chris and Pauline Lloyd to discuss their garden and take a look at its one-in-three slope , I was filled with a mixture of admiration for them , and horror at the task ahead .
20 He should insist that the correct wing is held , and direct the car or tractor driver so that they take a safe route which is clear of any hazard from dropping winch cables .
21 If you find it too much , or your are in pain , stop and take a rest .
22 No birth control method will work unless it is used regularly — the one time you take a chance could be the time pregnancy occurs !
23 In order that as many people as possible may benefit from the information please take a copy if you know of someone else who would find the booklet helpful .
24 It was wonderful to feel again , to let herself go with it , to water-ski blindfold , to jump out of a plane and take a chance on the ripcord .
25 ‘ Hand ri — yid now , dear Chay , Jamie dahlink , Hi take a nap .
26 Take a fast step forwards , holding your guard hands still as you do so .
27 Also , the opponent may fall in an unexpected direction , so that you have to spin around and perhaps take a step to reach him .
28 ‘ And take a vote on it ? ’
29 Take a bite of cheese with you . ’
30 Susan watched him take a large bite of a Luctian yeast cake .
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