Example sentences of "getting the " in BNC.

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1 They went along all our pots getting the fibres out .
2 The most common cause of damage when getting the glider out of the trailer and putting it back at the end of the day 's flying is impatience , and the only answer is never to rig without an adequate number of people .
3 It may be better just to concentrate on keeping straight , holding the wings level and getting the tail up as soon as possible , to reduce the wing 's angle of attack and so improve the aileron power .
4 This involves getting the aircraft into an attitude with the tail-wheel or skid just off the ground .
5 A more important reason not to experiment is to avoid the possibility of getting the glider into an untested mode of spin from which it might be difficult or impossible to recover .
6 Practise opening more airbrake during the hold off as a means of getting the glider down fully held off , but without such a long float .
7 Until you are consistently getting the photos you want from inside the photographic sector , you will need to fly some distance beyond the turning point so that you do not have to be in a very steep turn or exactly positioned .
8 Your GP may be able to offer out-of-work-hours cervical screening and you should ask your employer about workplace screening or getting the necessary time off to have it done .
9 there is a deep feeling that academic training gets between a policeman and his knowing and getting the respect of the crude masses of a very crude , very egalitarian and anti-intellectual European race … the police have indeed a general belief that they know more psychology than academics .
10 Scant consideration was given to getting the authors ' names or initials , or even their book titles , correct ! ) :
11 Recent work has confined that it is not possible to measure intensity of subjective sensation in a way that is distinct from and independent of measurement of the physical stimulus from which it is derived ; that Fechner 's logarithmic transform exists only as a mathematical construction to link reports of sensations with measurements of stimuli ; and an experimental subject 's conformity to Stevens ' power law depends on his getting the experiment ‘ right ’ .
12 Bench pressing should never be done alone because of the dangers of getting the barbell stuck across the face , neck or chest .
13 If you are a private tenant and you are having problems getting the landlord to carry out repairs , seek advice from : a Citizens Advice Bureau , housing advice centre , or the environmental health department of your borough or district council .
14 He was brewing beer and getting the harvest in as well as organising the picking of his Goldings .
15 That takes three days and I 'm also getting the combining done . ’
16 If there are problems getting the cable to the right place , start off with a piece of weighted string , which you can ‘ fish ’ through the hole you have cut , and then use this to pull the cable through .
17 The only difficulty you might face is in getting the right look — doors that match the style of your house — but manufacturers have come a long way from the early aluminium-framed types , and a range of styles is now available .
18 Getting the measure of superconducting buckyballs , is £420m enough for EC R&D ?
19 To talk of getting the full charge of the Divine Comedy — or more modestly and exactly , the fullest charge the particular reader is capable of getting — while treating Dante 's master as an irrelevance , is nonsense ; …
20 An important challenge facing a developer is that of getting the most out of the planning system .
21 As a result , they have the knack of employing the best architects , but not getting the best out of them .
22 Labour would go on getting the public 's support by constructing strong unity of purpose and by its conduct as ‘ a serious , socialist , self-disciplined party ’ , Mr Kinnock told delegates .
23 Within moments of the restart , Simon Langford burst through the remnants of the Cumbrian midfield , Nigel Heslop getting the try .
24 ‘ At last we are getting the reward for our hard work and we will be challenging for the world title ourselves in a couple of years , ’ he said .
25 The decision is part of a much wider shift in government thinking , in which Mr Patten has clearly been given Cabinet permission to distance his own policy from that of predecessors , such as Michael Heseltine , and , to a lesser extent , Mr Ridley , now Trade and Industry Secretary , who believed that economic success depended on getting the planner off the backs of business and citizen alike .
26 Maclean also concentrated on getting the ball past the talented Umar and denying him further chances to hit crisp drives into the nicks and towards difficult angles .
27 When Speelman seemed to be getting the better of it , Timman suddenly sacrificed two pieces to expose his opponent 's king .
28 This is a no-nonsense restaurant full of regulars : a child on Dad 's shoulders ; teenagers in Day-Glo shorts who skateboard away afterwards ; workmen in overalls ; weary shoppers with bulky carrier bags stopping off before getting the bus home .
29 ‘ It 's not just that the objectives have been achieved , of getting the policy reviews endorsed , and conducting ourselves in a way that will attract the British people .
30 Mandy Langridge , the England Under-21 striker , scored twice with Jane Jagger getting the third as Ealing took advantage of the idleness enforced on Slough and Sutton Coldfield because of the international matches ..
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