Example sentences of "ten the " in BNC.

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1 When I was ten the civil war started .
2 Every so of ten the dog would break away and belt off to splash in the shallows or to investigate something smelly , thrown up by last night 's tide .
3 By half past ten the thallium would be creeping round Elinor ’ s bloodstream .
4 This means that seven times out of ten the provision of clarification or information results in more of the same or requests for more .
5 Even when brains are being removed from their dead owners and implanted into living people , or fiends from outer space being fought to a standstill , nine times out of ten the magic weapon is the result of dubious chemistry .
6 These ‘ raincoats ’ were nine times out of ten the tea boys of the A&R department and were nine times out of ten a complete waste of time .
7 He checked his watch : 4 a.m. , ten the previous evening in Houston .
8 In nine times out of ten the vehicle concerned will be a motor bike or a motor car .
9 The men were going to stay the night in Llangollen , thirty miles from their destination , and hoped to be with us around ten the next morning .
10 First out wins the Seat 1.2 SLXi , the next ten the VCRS , the next 50 the sets of video cassettes , and the next five the pair of invitations to the Video Awards evening .
11 THE Top Ten the week Love Me Do was released : 1 .
12 At ten the Duke of Wellington reached the crossroads and , content that nothing yet threatened the Dutch troops , galloped eastwards to find the Prussians .
13 After the age of ten the amount of REM sleep remains constant until old age .
14 At ten the second came .
15 The canteen at TV London was largely deserted at half past ten the next morning when Dexter and Blanche sat down at a table in the corner of the self-service section .
16 So er and ten the other one , the one that 's alive sh she started off teaching and then went to nurse .
17 nine times , nine times out of ten the , the er door the back door or the front door has got a great big pane of glass on top of it .
18 Seventeen add a minus ten the same as take away a positive take away a positive ten , and add a positive three .
19 But if you were n't in by ten the doors were locked .
20 I sleep easily , rising before ten the following morning , to post my letter .
21 Declarer is marked with at least ace-king to five — or more likely six — in diamonds , and so if you cover the jack with the queen declarer will win with a top honour and West 's discard will make your ten the subject of a marked finesse on the second round .
22 our estimate for price elasticity is four and one to nought point eight minus one is one point eight , notice though that its ratio has jumped considerably or has doubled and the dummy variable itself is very significant the T ratio ten the coefficient on that dummy variable tells us the effect of the war on textile consumption , right so on average textile consumption rose by point two er see what the units of measurement are we do n't actually have units of er ah so we 'll
23 However , in nine cases out of ten the parties do not appreciate this fact .
24 By nine-thirty they 'll have collected their boarding passes and by ten the ship will be virtually deserted . ’
25 Only four areas were above the EC recommended limit compared with ten the year before .
26 and my Lord you 've got on factor ten the references to Lord and the others
27 The colliery which employs 730 men at Newton-le-Willows , is one of the ten the government claims must be closed because they are uneconomic .
28 . And nine times out of ten when I ask the congregation whether your church is bigger now than it was when it was founded nine times out of ten the congregation say , it is smaller now than when it was founded .
29 But he said he thought that was price cos he said it 's worth at least ten the mileage originally , you know ?
30 What , one of those ten the one you put in the boot ?
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