Example sentences of "thus to " in BNC.

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1 I am confident that we shall move forward from this Council to greater co-operation between the planets and thus to mutual gain . ’
2 The boxes sent signals to the loops and thus to a central computer which clocked them up as tolls .
3 1987 ; Reiner 1985 ; for an earlier and related argument see van Maanen 1973 , 1975 ) , and thus to the existence of a generalized police occupational culture .
4 In practice , the state scheme contributions pre-empt a slice of incomes which would otherwise be available for saving through pension schemes , and thus to that extent would be expected to slow down the growth of non-state provision .
5 It is thus to be welcomed that a number of studies have appeared which examine the nature of the early twentieth century Conservative party and which stress the importance of Conservative ideas in understanding the Party 's development during its period of crisis .
6 Entering into consciousness — an obscure phrase — meant trying to be oneself on the canvas , without the props of a single familiar reference , and thus to be free of rhetoric , history , convention , other people , safety , the past .
7 A full-scale financial crisis happens if this sequence merges with another : if bank losses lead to fears about bank solvency , and thus to the withdrawal of funds , further bank losses and so on , as in the right-hand part of the chart .
8 One argument sometimes raised against it is that it would lead to plea-bargaining , and thus to offenders escaping with lesser convictions and lesser sentences .
9 Most human religions , from tribal to world religions , have treated woman 's body , in its gender-specific sexual functions , as impure or polluted and thus to be distanced from sacred spaces and rites dominated by males .
10 Thus to a large extent a horse is what it is through the formation of many habits .
11 Perhaps he hoped thus to outmanoeuvre those critics who have accused him of infantilism .
12 Perhaps he hoped thus to outmanoeuvre those critics who have accused him of infantilism .
13 Regrettably this leads to over-simplification resulting in a lack of clarity and thus to the possibility of misunderstanding by the reader .
14 The case hinged , however , on whether the administration of the drug caused the death , and thus to a large extent , the pathological evidence .
15 The larger dairy herds are thus to be found in the intermediate areas between the dry , hot plough lands of the East and South and the cold , wet uplands of the North and West .
16 The only acceptable environment for children is thus to be in the care of a heterosexual couple , as this is the only ‘ normal ’ environment which can provide a ‘ natural ’ stable family life .
17 Planning would be likely to highlight the need for an effective staff-development policy so that existing staff were able to contribute more actively to the implementation of the School Development Plan and thus to the changing needs of the school .
18 Governors should then be introduced to the budget in some detail , particularly the major headings under which spending is planned and thus to the benefits or problems raised by this allocation .
19 This indicates that the politics of local government do not just respond or react to the local environment , but crucially that they also help to mould this environment , and thus to a certain extent help to shape the local political agenda .
20 Most recently national insurance , long regarded as ‘ a forgotten tax ’ , has become of increasing importance to taxpayers , and thus to their advisers .
21 Some though , and among them my dear lady Elizabeth ( always in her thoughts did Alianor refer thus to the queen-dowager ) think differently .
22 My last charter had begun ; I had one week to work , then it would be back to Masquerade , and then to the long winds of the southern ocean that led to the uttermost ends of the earth , and thus to happiness .
23 Thus to the eye fracture appears to be instantaneous .
24 So helium had , by a series of random paths , been the common ingredient : in Germany , Sweden and India , to Fleischmann and Pons and also to Palmer and thus to Jones .
25 A change of home help , a fall , or a recent bereavement might any of them result in a sense of not being able to cope , and thus to a referral .
26 Gangs of the energy clans jealously guarded those ports which gave access to power stations and thus to the heat sink .
27 Thus to the question ‘ Why do you feel affection for your children ? ’ or ‘ Why are you inclined to assist animals ( or fellow citizens ) in pain ? ’ , it would sound lame and otiose to reply that it is because your children are kind and decent , or that you assist others in the hope that they will assist you , or that you do both to contribute to the greatest happiness of the greatest number of creatures .
28 At least the new house was close to the M40 and thus to London .
29 The capitalist state is thus to be seen as an autonomous set of institutions , able to intervene at all levels in order to maintain the status quo .
30 After all , they have taken almost all the land they want ; their main territorial concern now is to widen the northern corridor linking their western possessions to their eastern ones , and thus to Serbia itself .
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