Example sentences of "thus [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 All of these appointments could be used to help friends and thus to sustain a political interest .
2 ‘ I am shortly to wed the daughter of the dauphin of France — thus to promote amity between our two countries .
3 The aim is thus to re-examine traditional questions of macroeconomics within a more reasonable specification of intertemporal optimisation .
4 Rostov had hoped to be permitted to seal the hatch , and thus to preserve the interior of the ship from incursion by animal and insect life — as well as from the potentially damaging effects of atmosphere and temperature — but Arghatun had rejected the request out of hand .
5 For the Shipman , as a pirate , the merchant is a natural enemy : It is not particularly difficult , however , to reconcile the appearance of a female narrative voice in lines 11 – 19 of the tale with the male narrator that it has within the dramatic framework of the Canterbury Tales , and thus to preserve the presence of both of these voices and their critical implications .
6 To gain a clearer understanding of the differences between such schools of thought , and thus to see what the opposition between holism and individualism consists in , it is therefore essential to try to do something that the protagonists in such debates themselves seem unwilling to attempt ; to give a more precise account of the conflicting conceptions of individuals and their capacities that underlie these disagreements .
7 The aim of the study reported in this chapter is thus to see whether the results of the previous study are still obtained when subjects are not actually aware that the experiment is concerned with subjective risk .
8 The measures of family background and ability can then be used to control the different intakes to schools and thus to estimate differences in the effectiveness of schools with respect to the outcome measures listed above .
9 This starts to raise the acidity of the milk and thus to curdle it .
10 Power cuts were thus to remain a fact of life at winter peak times in Britain into the early 1950s .
11 The provision is directed towards the bringing forward of development for which permission has been granted , and thus to enable new allocations of land for development to be made against a reasonably certain background of pending development .
12 He asks that I go secretly and after dark — near the eleventh hour , he says — thus to evade the guards who are wont to fall asleep at that time ! ’
13 The highest earning dealers only take back OTC stock if their client needs the funds to pay for another stock ; or if it is a stock that the directors want back , so allowing the dealers to retrieve in their names , and thus to evade a cut in their own commissions .
14 The influence of Community law is steadily expanding , so that each member State is increasingly having to adjust its thinking to accommodate principles and rules derived from other legal systems within the Community and thus to acclimatize itself to a less nationalistic approach to law .
15 It seemed a kind of sacrilege thus to arrange it and pull it about .
16 Networks operating on this principle perform an operation that is likely to be extremely important for the neocortex , and it was actually the search for a mechanism that would do this that led us to the suggested modification rule : the modifiable interconnections tend to make the representative elements become uncorrelated , and thus to signal independently of each other .
17 • Corporate officers and managers of multinational companies who are highly sensitive to their interest and exchange-rate exposures and thus to risk management issues ,
18 Certain critics like Hourcade and Allard , who did not realize the importance of what Picasso and Braque were doing , continued to take a broad view of Cubism as simply a return to a more sober , classical form of art , and thus to include within the movement a large number of artists who were not strictly speaking Cubist but had been slightly influenced by the style .
19 This often proves difficult , however , because of the way in which daily transactions between government and public affect bankers ' balances , causing banks to buy or sell bills to replenish their cash balances and thus to affect their yield .
20 Thus to claim that Atlantis actually existed , or that Achilles actually existed , is not to ascribe the property of existence to Atlantis or Achilles qua objects of thought , but simply to claim that the world contained Atlantis or Achilles .
21 These mechanisms enable a stressed metal to be rapidly filled with dislocations ( something like 10 per square centimetre ) and thus to flow under a steady load or the blow of a hammer quite easily .
22 The side-effect of enhanced choice is thus to diminish the number of people sharing the same broadcasting experience — splitting radio listeners between fans of Simon Mayo or Chris Tarrant , and TV viewers between Sky Movie subscribers and ITV/BBC1 devotees .
23 Thus to compensate for Strach , Rocky was the ideal replacement .
24 Finally , to what extent is the harmonizing measure to pre-empt national law and thus to exclude conflict of laws issues ?
25 More importantly , he was not tonsured : Lothar , perhaps moved by the obligations of a godfather , could not bring himself thus to exclude Charles from the ranks of the throneworthy .
26 Thus to obtain 1 kg of metal more than 2 tonnes of rock must be mined .
27 I do this simply to bracket off questions about how experiences relate to the world and thus to concentrate on the question of subjectivity .
28 I once complained to Help The Aged about the way they got kids to compete for ‘ badges ’ by encouraging them to collect a target number of sponsors — and thus to pester neighbours .
29 Thus to persist In doing wrong extenuates not wrong , But makes it much more heavy .
30 Some teachers felt that the advisers were out of touch with the problems they were having in this respect and saw more oral work as an unrealistic expectation — that pupils did not consider oral as work and were often not prepared to listen , thus to try to do it would only be creating problems .
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