Example sentences of "taking time " in BNC.

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1 Taking time in the air makes leaps appear higher and more sustained than is usual .
2 Information technology sales doubled to £92million as a result of the CASE takeover , though it is taking time to bring profitability up to the levels elsewhere in the group .
3 Whatever type of school you are looking for , it is worth taking time to find the right one — where your children 's education is concerned , no compromise is acceptable .
4 Taking time off from the Japan Festival at the Royal Albert Hall , the Sumo wrestlers encouraged even the smallest participants who were raising money for the Spastics society .
5 We would not be taking time off work , making all kinds of out-of-the-usual arrangements , unless we thought it was important to go to the funeral as a mark of how we feel about the person who had died , and wanted to ‘ pay our respects ’ .
6 Her visit produced a flowering of names associated with her on the little island , like Queen Mary 's Bower and Tree , and stories grew up that the five-year-old child began to learn Latin , Greek , Italian and other subjects there , including the art of embroidery for which she was later famous , while taking time off for gardening .
7 When Italian voters go the polls today they will have a bewildering array of 116 parties to choose from , including the Movement in Defence of Motorists , the League of Housewives and Pensioners and , of course , the Party of Love , headed by Italy 's self-styled porno star , Moana Pozzi — who has recently taken over the mantle from her screen colleague and Member of Parliament , Ilona Staller , La Cicciolina , who is taking time off from politics to have a baby .
8 Tong , as he is known in Thailand , graduated from the classic Jimmy White academy of excellence and , in taking time off from the classroom and money off mugs , he , like White , enjoyed some memorable moments .
9 Another trip worth taking time for is to Berchtesgaden , Hitler 's Eagle 's Nest which was his ‘ country retreat ’ when the pressures of life were getting too much for him .
10 Once he was wealthy enough , he began taking time out each winter to fulfil personal projects , ‘ It 's my way of putting something of myself into my work .
11 We would be foolish to leave God out of our reckoning , never taking time to consider deeply why we are so restless with desire .
12 Depth is acquired partly by learning to be reflective , taking time to reflect on the world around us and how we spend our lives .
13 Taking time to travel
14 ‘ Absolutely , ’ we responded , and thanked her for taking time from her busy schedule to talk with us .
15 The sites may sometimes be hidden and need to be sought out , and this can only happen by taking time and effort .
16 If you had your account in a bank near to your home , it would mean taking time off work to deal With money problems .
17 they are between jobs and are taking time to search for the most appropriate job with the highest wage ( search unemployment ) ;
18 It was taking time for Britain to recover from the First World War .
19 Can you imagine John Major taking time out to attack Carter ?
20 Despite Ms Hastings warnings , there is little evidence that trusts and health authorities are taking time to think job evaluation through .
21 FIERY actress Sophia Loren , 58 , stormed out of a Rome diner after her favourite waiter was sacked for taking time off to care for his sick wife .
22 WE often read of uncaring stars so it was a joy to learn that Sophia Loren had bailed out her favourite waiter after he was sacked for taking time off to care for his sick wife .
23 THE sister of missing golf fan Keith Lockyer has been sacked after taking time off to search for him .
24 Ms Reynolds had been fired from her £20,000 a year job after taking time off to have a hysterectomy on the recommendation of the company doctor .
25 Manville sat down again , taking time to relax and frame his words carefully .
26 Most departments had their offices , though there were constant difficulties about telephones and electricity supplies , and very little in the way of fans ; communications between departments had to be carried on by messenger , for internal postal services were taking time to be reorganised .
27 The victim can raise his or her status through standing and sitting tall and proud , making steady eye contact with the interviewer from the outset , taking time to answer questions and responding in a clear voice .
28 ‘ THANK you for taking time out of your busy schedule to see me .
29 ‘ Raindown ’ again impresses because of the newly-found POD focus , its guitars taking time to breathe and plan their next assault , while Craig 's voice breaks away from its usual comparisons and finds its own piece of sky to lark about in .
30 Actress Beverley D'Angelo is taking time out from her screen career to perform a risqué country set across the Bible belt .
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